Skin cancer due to sunburn | How to recognize skin cancer?

Skin cancer due to sunburn The biggest known risk factor for the development of skin cancer is the exposure to UV radiation. In contrast to the dark-skinned population, the white population is particularly at risk because they lack the protective color pigment. Long-term exposure to UV radiation causes damage to the genetic material that is … Skin cancer due to sunburn | How to recognize skin cancer?


Definition Vigantoletten® is a vitamin preparation in tablet form that contains vitamin D3 (synonym Cholecalciferol). It is used in case of a deficiency or to prevent a lack of vitamin D3 and a resulting disturbance in calcium metabolism. In general, Vigantoletten® are used for all types of vitamin D3 deficiency as long as there is … Vigantoletten®

Vigantoletten® for babies | Vigantoletten®

Vigantoletten® for babies Vigantoletten® can also be given to babies. Here too, this must be discussed in advance with the responsible pediatrician. Vigantoletten® promote bone formation in babies and toddlers by encouraging mineralization, i.e. the incorporation of minerals such as calcium. Since vitamin D plays a decisive role in the calcium balance, taking it can … Vigantoletten® for babies | Vigantoletten®