Diagnosis | Pain at the vaginal entrance

Diagnosis Diagnosis requires a combination of a medical consultation and a gynecological examination with smears of the intimate region. During the conversation, special attention is paid to current complaints. Bartholinitis is usually a diagnosis of the gaze, as the symptoms are very typical. Inflammations of the intimate region are diagnosed by means of a smear. … Diagnosis | Pain at the vaginal entrance

Duration of pain at the vaginal entrance | Pain at the vaginal entrance

Duration of pain at the vaginal entrance Depending on the cause, the duration of the pain is difficult to estimate. Small injuries and irritations can heal quickly and cause pain only for a short time. Inflammations often develop within a few days, malignant changes can develop over years and, especially in the early stages, often … Duration of pain at the vaginal entrance | Pain at the vaginal entrance

Vaginal entrance

Definition The vaginal entrance is the opening of the woman’s vagina. It is located between the urethral opening and the anus. The vagina opens via the vaginal entrance into the vaginal vestibule of the vulva. At the vaginal opening, there may be a fold of skin, the so-called hymen, which may surround or partially cover … Vaginal entrance

Associated symptoms | Swelling in the vaginal entrance

Associated symptoms Depending on the cause, the accompanying symptoms may also vary. Bartholinitis can lead to an abscess. This is a cavity filled with pus. In this case other general signs of inflammation such as redness and warming of the skin occur. Inflammation in the vaginal area can lead to unspecific itching, burning, redness, pain … Associated symptoms | Swelling in the vaginal entrance

How painful is the procedure? | The restoration of the hymen – You should know this!

How painful is the procedure? The procedure takes place under local anesthesia or, if desired, in twilight sleep. Pain during the procedure is therefore not perceived. Even after the procedure, patients hardly feel any pain and can usually go about their daily routine on the same day. Since the sutures do not have to be … How painful is the procedure? | The restoration of the hymen – You should know this!

Can this be done on an outpatient basis? | The restoration of the hymen – You should know this!

Can this be done on an outpatient basis? The restoration of the hymen is performed on an outpatient basis. This means that you do not have to stay in hospital, but can go home the same day. On the day after the operation, you must return to the surgery or hospital for wound control and … Can this be done on an outpatient basis? | The restoration of the hymen – You should know this!