Swelling of the face | Swelling – What is behind it?

Swelling of the face

A swelling in the face occurs partly physiologically, i.e. it has no disease value. For example, it occurs in many people after they get up and is an expression of the blood pressure that is regulated down during the night and rises again after getting up. The swelling should disappear within the first 2 hours after getting up.

Unusual new facial swelling, whether during the day or after getting up, should be checked by a doctor. This could be due to a protein deficiency, which may also be caused by kidney damage. An allergic reaction of the body to various substances such as shower gel, detergents, pollen, etc.

could also be behind the swelling. Heart failure would initially cause swelling in the area of the leg or both legs, but facial swelling may also occur in this context. Therefore, when diagnosing facial swelling, the kidney, heart, proteins and blood count should always be checked. When looking for the cause of the swelling, the patient should also always be asked whether he or she has accompanying symptoms such as itching or similar, which would possibly explain the facial swelling as an allergic reaction.

Swelling of the eye

Behind a swelling of the eyes is often an allergic reaction. For example, pollen may cause an increased histamine release due to seasonal factors, which leads to the vessels in certain areas becoming dilated and the influx of fluid causing the area to swell. In most cases, eyelid swelling due to allergies is also associated with itching of the conjunctiva and tears of the eyes as well as rhinitis.

Eyelid swelling can also be caused by conjunctivitis. Classically, the conjunctiva would be reddened and the conjunctiva would be swollen. In the case of conjunctivitis, the eyes would also be purulent in the morning.

If the affected person feels a foreign body in the eye and there is a swelling of the eyelid, a foreign body (sawdust, dust particles) could also have entered the eye and possibly also under the eyelid and inflamed it. An ophthalmological examination should be carried out quickly in the case of a unilateral or bilateral eyelid swelling in order to clarify the cause. It can also always happen that the swelling of the eyelid restricts the usual field of vision. If the patient also reports visual disorders, an ophthalmologist should be consulted very quickly.