Homeopathic remedies for vomiting

Most people vomit at some point in their lives. This leads to an unpleasant emptying of stomach contents. There are many reasons for this. In many cases, harmless infections of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as stress, the consumption of too much alcohol or food intolerances are responsible for this. Vomiting can also occur during … Homeopathic remedies for vomiting

Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathic remedies for vomiting

Is there a suitable complex agent? Active ingredients VOMISTOP® is a homeopathic complex remedy, with the active ingredients Action The complex agent acts as an anti-emetic and suppresses the nausea that can cause vomiting. Dosage The dosage of VOMISTOP® is recommended with the maximum intake of six tablets spread over the day in adults. Aethusa … Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathic remedies for vomiting

Coughing with vomiting in children | Homeopathic remedies for vomiting

Coughing with vomiting in children If children suffer from coughing and vomiting, this can have various causes. Not infrequently, the vomiting is caused by the cough itself, for example in the context of an infection or flu. If symptoms of influenza were already present before the vomiting, the strong cough may have triggered a nausea. … Coughing with vomiting in children | Homeopathic remedies for vomiting

Homeopathy for wrinkles

From the age of 30, the skin begins to age and wrinkles appear. The reason for this is the incipient lack of collagen. This substance is important for the structure of the connective tissue and the elasticity of the skin. An accompanying reason is the lack of moisture, which weakens the skin structures. Ultimately, the … Homeopathy for wrinkles

Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathy for wrinkles

Is there a suitable complex agent? Active ingredients The complex agent DHU Silicea Pentarkan® is a mixture of homeopathic active ingredients. These are Effect The effect of DHU Silicea Pentarkan® is based on balancing the household of mineral salts. These are very important for the development of the body cells. Furthermore, the connective tissue and … Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathy for wrinkles

Diarrhea after eating too much and too fat-rich food | Homeopathics for diarrhea

Diarrhea after eating too much and too fat-rich food Irritable, overworked city dwellers who are used to the abuse of stimulants. Hectic life, too much food and drink. Troubled sleep, tired and sleepless in the morning. Loss of appetite and ravenous appetite alternate, feeling of fullness immediately after eating, tendency to vomit, flatulence, diarrhoea. In … Diarrhea after eating too much and too fat-rich food | Homeopathics for diarrhea

Diarrhea and digestive problems as a result of anger, rage, insult and grief | Homeopathics for diarrhea

Diarrhea and digestive problems as a result of anger, rage, insult and grief Especially if the diarrhea is accompanied by abdominal cramps, which get better by squeezing or pressure on the body. The patient is irritated, angry, shows little patience, is quickly offended. Experience shows that all these states of mind affect the stomach and … Diarrhea and digestive problems as a result of anger, rage, insult and grief | Homeopathics for diarrhea

Homeopathics for diarrhea

Depending on the clinical picture, the body loses considerable amounts of fluid through vomiting and diarrhoea, which can lead to life-threatening circulatory problems. For this reason, self-treatment is generally not advisable in cases of severe and prolonged diarrhoea, especially if vomiting is also present. Diarrhea as a result of spoiled food Characteristic is the great … Homeopathics for diarrhea


Veratrum album Brechwurz, Germander, Lousewort, White helleboreThe plant hellebore can grow up to 1 m high. It can be recognized by its short and thick, branched root. The leaves are large, broad, elongated. Small, greenish-white flowers sit in clusters on panicles on the upper part of the stem of the hellebore. Flowering time: July to … Hellebore

Veratrum album

Other term White hellebore Use of Veratrum album for the following diseases in homeopathy Acute diarrhea with vomiting Cholera and Typhoid-like intestinal diseases Acute infectious diseases with poor circulation until collapse Palpitations Heart failure Using Veratrum album for the following symptoms Typical is cold sweat, beads of sweat on the forehead and face. Pale, bluish … Veratrum album