Diarrhea and digestive problems as a result of anger, rage, insult and grief | Homeopathics for diarrhea

Diarrhea and digestive problems as a result of anger, rage, insult and grief

Especially if the diarrhea is accompanied by abdominal cramps, which get better by squeezing or pressure on the body. The patient is irritated, angry, shows little patience, is quickly offended. Experience shows that all these states of mind affect the stomach and intestines.

The symptoms improve after the release of flatulence and after bowel movements, through rest and warmth. Aggravation in general by movement and anger. Irritated, moody mood, shy and easily offended.

Tendency to eat feelings into oneself and then explode, also throwing objects around. Children respond with outbursts of rage. This results in stomach ache, choking vomiting, diarrhea.

Staphisagria likes to think about sexual things. All complaints are aggravated by anger and grief and are felt especially badly when getting up in the morning.

  • Colocynthis
  • Staphisagria