Retinoblastoma: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Retinoblastoma is a malignant, mutation-related retinal tumor that occurs primarily in young children and affects both sexes with equal frequency. If diagnosed early and therapy is started, retinoblastoma is curable in most cases (about 97 percent). What is retinoblastoma? Retinoblastoma (also glioma retinae, neuroblastoma retinae) is a malignant (malignant) retinal tumor that usually occurs in … Retinoblastoma: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Retinopathia Centralis Serosa: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Retinopathia centralis serosa is often referred to as “manager’s disease” by ophthalmologists. The reason is that a lot of stress can trigger this vision disorder. In this case, a gray spot appears in the visual field, objects are seen distorted, and reading and recognizing colors are difficult. What is retinopathy centralis serosa? Retinopathia centralis serosa … Retinopathia Centralis Serosa: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Vision Problems: Causes, Treatment & Help

Visual disorders are, as the name itself suggests, disturbances of vision or the eye. Thereby, the impairment of vision can have many forms. Visual disorders are not infrequently a symptom of an underlying disease. Visual impairments are generally understood to be long-lasting or chronic visual disturbances. What are visual impairments? Because visual disturbances often occur … Vision Problems: Causes, Treatment & Help

Macular dystrophy

What is macular dystrophy? Macular dystrophy is a disease of the retina, which is limited to the area of the macula (site of acuity) and leads here to a degenerative (destructive) process. It is hereditary and mostly affects both eyes and thus causes characteristic symmetrical, bilateral changes in the retina. However, macular dystrophy can also … Macular dystrophy