Tuina Massage

Tuina massage (Chinese tui = push, press; na = grasp, pull) is one of the five basic pillars of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It is fundamentally different from what we understand by the term massage. It is based on the basic principles of the meridians as well as on the guiding criterion of Yin and … Tuina Massage

Bone and Joint Radiographs: Diagnostic Radiography of the Musculoskeletal System

X-ray diagnostics of the musculoskeletal system is usually the first diagnostic measure when a pathological (disease-related) change in bone elements and joints of the skeletal system is suspected. In addition to computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), projection radiography (normal X-ray) is the basis of diagnostic imaging. Conventional X-ray technology refers to the … Bone and Joint Radiographs: Diagnostic Radiography of the Musculoskeletal System

Slit Lamp Examination

Slit lamp or slit lamp microscope examination (synonyms: slit lamp microscopy; slit lamp examination) is one of the most important diagnostic procedures in ophthalmology. It is non-invasive (does not penetrate the body), easy to perform, and has a high information gain. Since the human eye is largely composed of transparent tissue, it is possible to … Slit Lamp Examination

Strabismus (Crossed Eyes): Medical History

Medical history (history of the patient) represents an important component in the diagnosis of strabismus (strabismus). Family history Is there a frequent history of eye disease in your family? Social anamnesis Current medical history/systemic history (somatic and psychological complaints). How long have you noticed that the eyes no longer look in one direction? Was there … Strabismus (Crossed Eyes): Medical History

Gangrene: Therapy

The therapy of gangrene depends on the cause. If the cause of gangrene is an arterial circulatory disorder, its treatment is the first priority. General measures Immobilization of the affected limb and antiseptic measures (medicines used topically to prevent wound infection). Nicotine restriction (refraining from tobacco use). Limited alcohol consumption (men: max. 25 g alcohol … Gangrene: Therapy

Inflammation of the Synovial Membrane (Synovitis)

In synovitis (synonyms: Arthrosynovitis; Knee joint synovitis; Synovialitis; Synoviitis; Synovitis of the shoulder; Synovitis of the wrist; Synovitis of the upper ankle; ICD-10 M65.0/9) is an inflammation of the synovium that occurs in the setting of arthritis (joint inflammation). Very often synovialitis occurs in patients with rheumatism. Two forms of synovialitis can be distinguished: Acute … Inflammation of the Synovial Membrane (Synovitis)

Acute Scrotum: Medical History

Medical history (history of illness) represents an important component in the diagnosis of acute scrotum. Family history Social history Current anamnesis/systemic anamnesis (somatic and psychological complaints). Do you have any pain? If yes, when and how does the pain occur? Acute (sudden)* Gradual Is the scrotum reddened, swollen?* . Was the testicle swollen first before … Acute Scrotum: Medical History

Pseudomembranous Enterocolitis: Surgical Therapy

Surgical therapy may be necessary for complicated, fulminant C. difficile infection (CDI): Intestinal perforation – rupture of the colon wall (intestinal perforation). Severe therapy-refractory courses, especially with ileus (intestinal obstruction) or toxic megacolon – massive dilation (expansion) or enlargement of the colon in the context of inflammation. Early surgery can reduce the lethality (mortality related … Pseudomembranous Enterocolitis: Surgical Therapy

Cataract Definition

Cataract – colloquially called cataract – (synonyms: cataract; cataracta; cataracta senilis; cortical cataract; senile cataract; ICD-10-GM H25.-: Cataracta senilis) is the name given to any form of opacification of the lens of the eye. Cataract is by far the most frequent cause of vision loss. There are about 150,000 operations per year in Germany due … Cataract Definition


The Dermaroller is a device used in aesthetic medicine for cosmetic treatment of the skin, especially in the facial area, but also, for example, for cellulite in other areas of the body. It is a new type of so-called minimally invasive, percutaneous collagen induction therapy (CIT; PCI). Small, very fine needles are used in the … Dermaroller

Tuberculosis: Diagnostic Tests

Obligatory medical device diagnostics. X-ray of the thorax (radiographic thorax/chest), in two planes (method of choice for persons 16 years and older) [Phase 1, onset of infection + phase 2, early tuberculous lesion: exudative reactions/and sharp focus of compression due to pneumonic exudation; Phase 3, immune reaction: solid, productive focus; Phase 4, cavern formation (cavities … Tuberculosis: Diagnostic Tests