Pain in the larynx

Anatomically, the larynx represents the separation between the airways and the entrance to the gastrointestinal tract. During breathing, the entrance to the trachea is closed by the epiglottis. If a person takes in food in the oral cavity, it begins to chew and thus initiates the act of swallowing, the epiglottis closes and lies on … Pain in the larynx

Vocal fold nodules

Medical: Phonation nodules corns” of the vocal folds, vocal fold nodules Definition Stimmlippenknötchen (Phonationsknötchen or also vocal cord nodules) are counted among the benign tumors of the larynx. One speaks also of a “tumor at the vocal folds“, but it is not a spreading (metastasizing) cancer (cancer of the larynx). Vocal fold nodules can occur … Vocal fold nodules

Vocal fold nodules in children | Vocal fold nodules

Vocal fold nodules in children Children and babies can also develop such nodules by excessive crying (so-called “crying children”). This is often noticed by hoarseness of the children. Children who speak or scream excessively loudly and often can also develop vocal fold nodules. This is why these are also called “cry nodules” in children. As … Vocal fold nodules in children | Vocal fold nodules