Pain in the larynx

Anatomically, the larynx represents the separation between the airways and the entrance to the gastrointestinal tract. During breathing, the entrance to the trachea is closed by the epiglottis. If a person takes in food in the oral cavity, it begins to chew and thus initiates the act of swallowing, the epiglottis closes and lies on … Pain in the larynx

Conventional medical treatment | Treatment of laryngeal pain

Conventional medical treatment If all the above treatments do not result in a reduction of pain, a doctor should be consulted. This doctor can usually find out the underlying cause of the pain by taking a detailed medical history and performing a laryngoscopy. He can then prescribe antibiotics for bacterial inflammation, anti-inflammatory drugs such as … Conventional medical treatment | Treatment of laryngeal pain

Prognosis and prophylaxis | Throat pain after vomiting

Prognosis and prophylaxis If laryngeal pain occurs once after vomiting, this usually has no major disease value. Repeated laryngeal pain as a result of vomiting can, however, be accompanied by serious damage to the larynx and in the long term can even cause cancer of the throat. Laryngeal cancer can only be treated curatively by … Prognosis and prophylaxis | Throat pain after vomiting

Diagnosis | Throat pain when coughing

Diagnosis First the patient is asked in detail about his larynx pain when coughing. Here, accompanying symptoms such as hoarseness, difficulty swallowing or breathing difficulties are of particular interest. Furthermore, the temporal course or the exact occurrence of the complaints can be of importance. For example, pain and coughing after smoking can indicate chronic laryngitis. … Diagnosis | Throat pain when coughing