Typical problems of puberty | The puberty

Typical problems of puberty Most problems in puberty are found in the interpersonal sphere. The young people try to distinguish themselves from their parents’ household by sometimes provocative behavior. In most cases this means that rules are not followed and that the adolescents react very emotionally to criticism. However, these are normal behaviors during puberty. … Typical problems of puberty | The puberty

The puberty

Introduction Puberty is the phase between childhood and adulthood, in which far-reaching physical and psychological changes occur. The secondary sexual characteristics become pronounced, sexual maturity and growth spurts occur. In addition, this phase is divided into prepubertal and postmenarche. In girls, puberty begins about 2 years earlier than in boys. Prepuberty begins around the age … The puberty

Phases of puberty | The puberty

Phases of puberty The phases of puberty vary between the sexes and there are many different ways to classify them. For both sexes, the beginning of physical changes is a purely hormonal change and is therefore not externally visible. This marks the beginning of pre-adolescence and usually starts at the end of primary school. The … Phases of puberty | The puberty

What happens in puberty?

Introduction Puberty covers a formative period in the development from child to adult. It includes a physical, social and psychological development and maturation phase that lasts three to four years. The cornerstones of puberty are, in addition to gender-specific physical changes, above all the development of sexual interest, as well as separation from the family … What happens in puberty?

Developmental steps during puberty | What happens in puberty?

Developmental steps during puberty During puberty, many physical changes slowly take place. The child’s body grows up to sexual maturity. The physical development of peers in puberty does not always happen simultaneously and can vary greatly in duration. It is controlled by hormones. In girls the female sex hormone estrogen predominates, in boys the male … Developmental steps during puberty | What happens in puberty?