Which tasks are set in the test? | Enrolment test

Which tasks are set in the test?

How long does the test take?

The duration of the test can also vary considerably, but it should not normally take longer than one hour.

What are the consequences of the results?

The results of the school entry test are always only a snapshot and can be falsified, for example, by nervousness or general listlessness of the respective child. The aim is to find as many children as possible who need further support. In the process, some children who are actually at a normal level of development are always conspicuous.

Therefore, a conspicuous result is always followed by further diagnostics. Especially with children who do not yet have to go to school, but are already allowed to, so-called “Kann-Kinder”, there is sometimes disagreement between parents, health authorities and school management about the date of school enrollment. If no agreement can be reached, the final decision lies with the school management.