Meniscus contusion

Introduction The meniscus contusion represents a rather harmless variant of the meniscus injury. The meniscus is only bruised by an accident or incorrect loading, but does not tear. Therefore, a pure meniscus contusion usually does not require surgery, but a conservative therapy is sufficient. Symptoms The typical symptoms of a meniscus contusion are very similar … Meniscus contusion

Diagnosis | Meniscus contusion

Diagnosis The first suspected diagnosis usually results from the symptoms described, possibly in connection with the possible course of the injury. In order to confirm this suspicion, the knee is mainly moved during the examination. Thus, the meniscus contusion can cause restrictions and pain during certain movements. For example, the inner meniscus is particularly painful … Diagnosis | Meniscus contusion

Therapy | Meniscus contusion

Therapy As a rule, conservative therapy is sufficient for meniscus contusion. Physiotherapy is an important part of it. In the acute phase, however, the above-mentioned immediate measures and protection are also important to facilitate healing. Once the initial inflammatory reaction has subsided, physiotherapy can then help to strengthen the muscles so that the knee is … Therapy | Meniscus contusion