Wilson’s Disease: Symptoms, Treatment, Course

Brief overview Symptoms: Liver complaints such as liver enlargement, hepatitis, jaundice and abdominal pain, later also neurological symptoms such as muscle stiffness, tremor, speech disorders and personality changes. Disease progression and prognosis: Prognosis is good with early diagnosis and consistent therapy, and life expectancy is not limited; untreated, Wilson disease is fatal. Causes: Due to … Wilson’s Disease: Symptoms, Treatment, Course

Wilson’s disease

Synonyms Wilson’s disease, hepatolenticular degenerationWilson’s disease is a genetically determined disease in which there is increased storage of copper in various organs due to a disturbance in copper metabolism (so-called storage disease). This leads to progressive damage to the affected organs, with the liver and brain being particularly affected. Various forms of Wilson’s disease are … Wilson’s disease

Prognosis | Wilson’s disease

Prognosis If left untreated, the disease is often fatal. If the disease is treated in time, conservative measures are usually sufficient and liver transplantation can be avoided. All articles in this series: Wilson’s disease Prognosis

Hands tremble

Introduction A trembling of the hands occurs in many people in different forms. The trembling of the hands can have many causes. Some causes are harmless, others are based on serious diseases. The fact that our muscles tremble is basically a completely normal process of the body, which among other things ensures that our muscles … Hands tremble

Symptoms | Hands tremble

Symptoms The tremor is known in technical terms as tremor. A characteristic feature of tremor is that it occurs rhythmically and opposing muscle groups contract alternately. There are different types of tremor depending on when the tremor occurs. A tremor at rest, without any movement being performed, is called a rest tremor. This occurs in … Symptoms | Hands tremble