Diagnosis of burning in the throat | Burning sensation in the throat

Diagnosis of burning in the throat

The first important step in the diagnosis of throat burning is a detailed doctor-patient consultation (anamnesis). During this discussion, the patient should be asked how to describe the symptoms, when they first occurred, how long they have lasted or whether they are recurring. These statements can be used to narrow down a possible diagnosis quite well.

In addition, the question of other symptoms, other diseases and the consumption and use of alcohol should be asked. These questions should always be answered truthfully, as they are an important risk factor. If the symptoms persist, a physical examination should be carried out and, if necessary, an endoscopic examination or a blood test of the inflammation values.

Associated symptoms

The examining doctor should pay special attention to the accompanying symptoms. If a burning sensation in the throat is noticed as part of a flu-like infection, it is largely harmless and disappears completely. In most cases, the patient also has a cold, cough, watery eyes or aching limbs.

However, if a pressure painful and enlarged thyroid gland is also present, the possibility of thyroiditis should be considered. Frequent expelling and a connection with eating, especially of fatty and opulent meals, speak for heartburn. Often the burning sensation in the throat is accompanied by a scratching sensation or the need to clear your throat frequently.

This topic might also be of interest to you: Symptoms of pharyngitisTongue burning may occur in the context of pharyngitis. But not necessarily both have a common cause. A reflux disease can cause a burning sensation in the throat as well as on the tongue.

This is also possible with an allergy or irritation by food. However, the tongue can also inflame or burn independently of the throat. Cigarettes, medication or reduced saliva production can irritate the tongue.

A single inflammation of the tongue is called “glossitis”. Mechanical irritation is also possible, for example, due to an ill-fitting dental prosthesis. You can find further causes of a burning tongue and other information on this topic on our tongue burning page

Therapy of burning in the throat

The treatment of burning in the throat varies according to the cause of the symptoms. In the case of an acute event in the context of a flu-like infection, the burning usually heals without consequences. One can support the recovery with home remedies.

A lot of liquid by drinking tea, for example, if it is not too hot, can help. Cough sweets may also alleviate the symptoms. If the symptoms are related to a direct trigger, such as fruit or an e-cigarette, it is best to avoid it.

If heartburn has been identified as the cause of burning in the throat, long-term conservative therapy can help. High-fat food, alcohol and cigarettes should be avoided. If this is not sufficient, a drug therapy with acid inhibiting drugs, including proton pump inhibitors, may be necessary. In addition, a weight reduction should be aimed at in case of overweight. Acute thyroiditis should be treated with bed rest, plenty of fluids and, in the case of bacterial genesis, with an antibiotic.