Surgery on the tooth

Introduction There are a number of surgical procedures that are regularly performed in dentistry, because it is not always sufficient to free the tooth from caries and to place a filling. In the worst case, the tooth cannot be saved and must be extracted. The apicoectomy is a treatment attempt to save the tooth from … Surgery on the tooth

Cystostomy | Surgery on the tooth

Cystostomy Cysts are hollow spaces lined with mucosa. If a cyst forms in the jaw, it should usually be removed and last but not least, it should be examined to see whether it is a benign or possibly malignant change in the tissue. In cystostomy, a connection between the cyst cavity and the oral or … Cystostomy | Surgery on the tooth

Caries on wisdom tooth

Introduction – What is caries of the wisdom tooth? In adolescence, caries is the main cause of tooth loss. Caries is a disease of the hard tooth substance, which is caused by the interaction of several factors (mainly bacterial plaque, food residues and poor oral hygiene). The position of the wisdom teeth as the last … Caries on wisdom tooth

These symptoms may indicate caries of the wisdom tooth | Caries on wisdom tooth

These symptoms may indicate caries of the wisdom tooth Pain Discoloration Loss of substance (“hole in the tooth”) Unpleasant taste and bad breath In advanced carious lesions, pain is caused by irritation of the dental nerve. Pain can occur especially when chewing or after eating sweets. But not every caries disease necessarily causes pain. For … These symptoms may indicate caries of the wisdom tooth | Caries on wisdom tooth

Prognosis for wisdom tooth decay | Caries on wisdom tooth

Prognosis for wisdom tooth decay In general, the earlier caries is discovered and treated, the better the prognosis for the tooth in question. Deep dentine caries involving the pulp is the least favorable, while small enamel caries is the least problematic. Therefore, especially in the posterior area of the molars should be brushed especially well. … Prognosis for wisdom tooth decay | Caries on wisdom tooth

Pain with gingivitis

Introduction One of the 5 signs of inflammation is pain, in addition to swelling, redness, warmth and functional impairment. A slight gingivitis usually does not hurt, which is why it often goes unnoticed. By the time the pain begins, the inflammation may already have become established. How the pain progresses or how long it lasts … Pain with gingivitis

What can be done to prevent pain? | Pain with gingivitis

What can be done to prevent pain? If you are genetically predisposed to get gingivitis, you should pay special attention to oral hygiene. If you have problems with dental hygiene, an electric toothbrush is recommended. This forgives cleaning mistakes and removes the bacteria that cause gingivitis. As a prophylaxis, medicinal herbs are useful. If you … What can be done to prevent pain? | Pain with gingivitis

Pain behind the ear

General information There are many different causes for pain behind the ear. The type of pain may also differ. For some people it is a dull non-specific pain, for others it is an additional pain in the jaw and other complaints are possible. Lymph node swelling There are lymph nodes behind the ears. Their location … Pain behind the ear