Alcohol Withdrawal and Withdrawal Symptoms

Brief overview Outpatient or inpatient: Prerequisites for outpatient therapy include social integration, ability to abstain, absence of other mental and physical illnesses. Withdrawal symptoms: Sweating, trembling hands, increase in blood pressure, temperature, headaches, sleep disturbances, anxiety, restlessness, depressiveness, concentration disorders. Forms of withdrawal: cold turkey (without drug support), warm withdrawal (drug support), gradual withdrawal (slow … Alcohol Withdrawal and Withdrawal Symptoms

Medication Overuse Headache

Symptoms Medication-overuse headache, depending on the preexisting symptoms, manifests, for example, like a tension headache as bilateral, pressing pain, or like a migraine, unilateral, pulsating, and accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and noise. The pain occurs chronically for at least 15 days of the month, every other day or daily. When the … Medication Overuse Headache

This Helps with Typical Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms

After quitting smoking, nicotine withdrawal sometimes leads to severe withdrawal symptoms. Help and tips against typical complaints are available here. Anyone who stops smoking often has to deal with severe withdrawal symptoms. Both physical and psychological consequences of nicotine withdrawal make it difficult for many former smokers to remain non-smokers and cause some to relapse … This Helps with Typical Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms

Drug withdrawal

Definition Drug withdrawal is a therapy designed to help addicted people to stop using drugs and to remain permanently abstinent. The basis is the weaning of the addictive substance. It begins with physical detoxification. This can be done with or without drug support (warm or cold withdrawal). Depending on the severity of the addiction, this … Drug withdrawal

What is the process of drug withdrawal? | Drug withdrawal

What is the process of drug withdrawal? Withdrawal consists of a physical detoxification and a subsequent weaning therapy. The detox is usually done on an outpatient basis (at home, accompanied by fixed doctor’s appointments) or as an inpatient (hospital, rehab clinic). During this time, the person affected receives close monitoring by doctors and psychotherapists as … What is the process of drug withdrawal? | Drug withdrawal

Are there any special features of alcohol withdrawal? | Drug withdrawal

Are there any special features of alcohol withdrawal? Alcohol withdrawal is associated with particular difficulties. Frequently, abrupt detoxification leads to the so-called alcohol withdrawal delirium. This means the occurrence of various severe withdrawal symptoms. Typical symptoms are clouding of consciousness, hallucinations and circulatory problems. Medical attention is urgently required. If necessary, the circulation should be … Are there any special features of alcohol withdrawal? | Drug withdrawal

Physical dependence | What are the consequences of smoking pot?

Physical dependence The development of a physical (physical) dependency is rather rare, even with frequent smoking. Usually the psychological symptoms such as anxiety or a depressive mood after stopping the drug dominate. A physical dependence becomes apparent to the same extent as it occurs through smoking, only in the case of withdrawal. In addition to … Physical dependence | What are the consequences of smoking pot?

What happens during withdrawal? | What are the consequences of smoking pot?

What happens during withdrawal? Withdrawal from smoking occurs when the body has already become accustomed to the substance, i.e. when a dependency has developed. This happens mainly through regular consumption and can be intensified by excessive dosage. The body and psyche react during withdrawal to the absence of the compound THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) contained in cannabis, … What happens during withdrawal? | What are the consequences of smoking pot?

Does regular smoking make stupid? | What are the consequences of smoking pot?

Does regular smoking make stupid? Smoking has a negative effect on cognitive performance, i.e. on thinking, attention, memory and perception. These limitations are already noticeable a short time after consumption. They are part of the state of intoxication. If a lot of cannabis is consumed over a longer period of time, the deficits can persist … Does regular smoking make stupid? | What are the consequences of smoking pot?