Physical dependence | What are the consequences of smoking pot?

Physical dependence

The development of a physical (physical) dependency is rather rare, even with frequent smoking. Usually the psychological symptoms such as anxiety or a depressive mood after stopping the drug dominate. A physical dependence becomes apparent to the same extent as it occurs through smoking, only in the case of withdrawal.

In addition to the psychological symptoms, there are also physical symptoms that can last up to two weeks. The classic symptoms include pain, sudden sweating and heat waves, trembling and nausea. Loss of appetite and sleep disorders are counted among both psychological and physical dependence. While the signs of a psychological dependence can usually be coped with by withdrawal from cannabis, extensive physical symptoms may well require treatment. Particularly in the case of the desire for parental leave (renunciation), the physical symptoms should be alleviated so that the psychological strain is not too great and weaning is made more difficult.

What is the best way to quit smoking?

Quitting smoking is often not so easy, especially after regular use over a long period of time. The body has become accustomed to the drug and usually developed a certain tolerance to it, whereupon the dose had to be increased. This has led to a dependency, which is mainly limited to the psychological symptoms when smoking pot, but in some cases physical dependency is also possible.

At the latest when such a development occurs, the consumer should recognize his problem and try to limit the smoking, or even better, stop it. Before starting, the desired goals should be set in mind and the benefits of abstinence (clarity of mind, more money, etc.) should be clear.

Furthermore, all reserves should be eliminated to make a relapse more difficult. One can name three phases, in which the way to the consumption stop is carried out.In the beginning is the detoxification. This usually runs for a few days and is initially characterized by increased motivation and activity.

The sedative effect of smoking no longer applies and you feel full of energy. However, this also affects the sleep rhythm, which can be severely disturbed. It is advisable to take a lot of exercise, do sports and eat a healthy diet to give the body the best conditions for a successful withdrawal.

If you have sleep problems, avoiding coffee and drinks containing caffeine can be useful. After about 48 hours, however, the first withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, irritability and aggressiveness or a depressive mood may appear. This already marks the beginning of the second phase: withdrawal.

The body notices that it lacks the substance and withdrawal symptoms occur. These are mainly psychological in nature, but can also influence the body and cause sweating, shivering or cold shivers. Now the danger of a relapse is greatest.

In order to prevent this, one should look for distraction. This can be done on the one hand with a lot of sport and a regular daily routine, and on the other hand with a variety of leisure activities. However, it should be taken care that you do not necessarily visit the same places and persons where you normally use cannabis.

A certain distance from such a familiar environment can make it easier to get away. New hobbies can take over the central role of smoking. However, no substitute drug should be taken as a compensation, as it would be the case with alcohol, for example.

Withdrawal usually takes three weeks. The initially very bad mood and the withdrawal symptoms become less with time. The sleep problems improve and one feels more relaxed overall.

The third phase is the withdrawal. The ex-user gets used to life without the drug. This phase can take a long time and it is possible that the desire to consume is felt again and again.

In the event of a relapse, the drug should not be stopped immediately, but the next attempt should be started. It is important to have contact persons you trust and with whom you can talk about your own desires. Also the initially set goals and the considered advantages should be brought again before eyes. If all your efforts are unsuccessful and you cannot quit smoking on your own, there is always the possibility to get professional help. This is usually ensured by an inpatient admission to a clinic, where the consumer goes through a versatile weaning program.