Detecting depression

Introduction Depression is a disease with a thousand faces. Therefore, it is not necessarily easy to recognise a depression, especially if you are the person affected. It is commonly known that depression has something to do with unhappiness, bad mood and in the worst case with suicide. However, the disease of depression is much more … Detecting depression

What are the tests that detect depression? | Detecting depression

What are the tests that detect depression? Since this is a mental illness, there are no clear tests or laboratory values that would indicate depression. The diagnosis is made by means of questionnaires and psychological/psychotherapeutic sessions. Questionnaires in particular are abundant, from simple online self-tests to valid standardised scales used by doctors. These also include … What are the tests that detect depression? | Detecting depression

Why should you quit smoking? | Smoking during pregnancy

Why should you quit smoking? With or without pregnancy you should stop smoking. This is well known and the damage that smoking causes in adults should not be neglected. In the unborn child it is added that the child cannot avoid the nicotine that passes into the bloodstream. It is therefore in the true sense … Why should you quit smoking? | Smoking during pregnancy

Ignorance about pregnancy | Smoking during pregnancy

Ignorance about pregnancy It is the rule that women do not know they are pregnant immediately after conception. On average, if there is no menstruation (i.e. usually not until 14 days after implantation) a pregnancy test is taken or a doctor is consulted. During the period in which a pregnancy exists but is not known, … Ignorance about pregnancy | Smoking during pregnancy


General Alcoholism or alcohol addiction is a recognized disease in which people are addicted to alcohol as an addictive substance. The disease has a progressive course – that means that the thoughts of those affected are more and more about getting the next alcohol to satisfy their addiction and so they slip further and further … Alcoholism

Is alcohol addiction hereditary? | Alcoholism

Is alcohol addiction hereditary? Scientists have found out that alcohol addiction or addictive behavior in general is actually hereditary to a certain degree. It is said that there is a gene that is particularly related to alcoholism. This is the CRHR1 gene. There is a mutation of this gene in some people in the population, … Is alcohol addiction hereditary? | Alcoholism

Drug dependence

What is a drug addiction? Drug addiction is an addictive disorder in which people take medications in a medically unreasonable amount, often in too high doses. There is a wide range of potentially addictive drugs. Perhaps the best-known example of drug dependence is the opioid crisis in the USA. According to studies, several million people … Drug dependence