Pus under the skin

Definition Purulent inflammations of the skin are also called pyoderma and are usually caused by pus bacteria such as streptococci and staphylococci. Pus is a yellowish secretion that consists of melted tissue and inflammatory cells and is indicative of a bacterial infection. Pus under the skin is usually a painful, yellowish secretion surrounded by reddened … Pus under the skin

The Pimple | Pus under the skin

The Pimple The “pimple” is a colloquial term for the dermatological term pustule. A pimple is a localized accumulation of pus under the skin, usually caused by a bacterial infection. Pustules can occur in the context of various skin diseases, but the best known association is with acne. In acne, various causes such as hormonal … The Pimple | Pus under the skin

Hemostatic cotton wool

Introduction For superficial bleeding and especially for nosebleeds, haemostatic cotton wool can help. This natural product can be used as self-medication, gels with the escaping blood and thus promotes clotting. Indications for hemostatic cotton wool Hemostatic cotton wool is mainly used in your own small medicine chest. Patients with light, superficial bleeding can simply remove … Hemostatic cotton wool

Thigh amputation

Definition An amputation is the complete or partial separation of a limb from the rest of the body. Thigh amputation is a surgical procedure to separate the leg above the knee joint. The thigh amputation is also called major amputation. Indications for a transfemoral amputation The indication for amputation is always the last word in … Thigh amputation

What amputation techniques are available? | Thigh amputation

What amputation techniques are available? In transfemoral amputation, the bone can be set down over the entire length of the thigh, always cutting through the bone as far as possible at the knee in order to obtain a long stump for simple prosthetic fitting. However, new surgical techniques have made good prosthetic restorations possible for … What amputation techniques are available? | Thigh amputation

OP procedure | Thigh amputation

OP procedure A transfemoral amputation is a long and complicated operation, but it can be performed safely due to standardized surgical steps. The operation is always performed under general anesthesia, unless there are medical reasons against it. Various serious heart or lung diseases, for example, speak against general anesthesia. Directly before the operation, the leg … OP procedure | Thigh amputation