Torn connective tissue fibres | Mammary connective tissue

Torn connective tissue fibres

Connective tissue fibres in the breast can tear and lead to superficially visible streaks. Especially during pregnancy, streaks can appear on the breast and abdomen. Increased growth can cause the connective tissue of the breast to give way and tear.

On the stomach this is called stretch marks. On the breast, the damage to the connective tissue can become visible in the form of blue-red stretch marks. Especially if a weakness of the connective tissue is known, one should expect typical stretch marks.

However, they cannot yet be avoided. They are a normal side effect of pregnancy and are not harmful to health. For some women the stretch marks are at best a cosmetic problem.

The extent to which the connective tissue fibres suffer from pregnancy and subsequent breastfeeding cannot be predicted and varies from one individual to another. Torn fibres of the connective tissue of the breast accelerate the sagging of the breasts. Surgical interventions are one possibility to remove them. Surgical procedures can be used to tighten the breasts after fibres of the connective tissue of the breast have torn.

Should a bra be worn?

The bra has a decisive influence on the development of the female breast. The scientific opinions about the influence of the bra on the connective tissue are controversial. Some assume that wearing a bra all the time causes the connective tissue to be broken down and is less tight because the bra takes over the function of the connective tissue of the breast.

Some experts believe that living without a bra should strengthen the breast. However, this is not correct. A properly fitted bra should support most of the weight of the breast and maintain elasticity.

It therefore has a supporting effect and relieves the connective tissue of the breast. A proper bra is especially important for sports like jogging. The strain on the breast is enormous due to the jumping up and down. A sports bra is the means of choice to relieve the connective tissue of the breast.