
Introduction Honey has been used in medicine for several thousand years and was used in ancient times to treat wounds. Honey supports the healing of cuts and burns and has antibacterial effects. Honey can also inhibit inflammation, reduce allergies and can be used in nutrition and gastrointestinal problems such as constipation. Honey has also found … Honey

Honey against tonsillitis | Honey

Honey against tonsillitis The use of honey is also useful for tonsillitis. Although this is not a wound, it is possible for harmful bacteria to accumulate and cause the typical signs of inflammation such as pain, swelling and redness. If the honey is either applied locally or taken continuously, for example dissolved in tea, the … Honey against tonsillitis | Honey

Pus in a wound

What does it mean if you have pus in the wound? Pus is a secretion of the body, a so-called exudate, in response to an inflammation. The nature and color of the pus can vary depending on the trigger and environment from thin to thick, and in color from pale yellow to green or even … Pus in a wound

Home remedies | Pus in a wound

Home remedies Home remedies are widely used in the treatment of skin wounds. One household remedy that has become increasingly important in recent years and has become an integral part of alternative medicine is honey. The exact effect of honey is still not explained in detail, but honey creates an acidic millieu in the wound, … Home remedies | Pus in a wound

Duration | Pus in a wound

Duration The duration of a wound infection with pus formation is always very individual and depends on the size of the wound, the strength of the bacterial colonization and the underlying health of the person affected. In a young person without relevant pre-existing conditions, such as a metabolic disease or other risk factors for slowed … Duration | Pus in a wound

First aid for wounds

Introduction Wounds can be caused by direct force (accident, cut, fall), extreme temperatures (burns or chills) and chemical substances (burns). Depending on the cause and extent of the wound, different first aid measures are indicated. In the case of minor injuries, these measures are often already a sufficient form of treatment. Often, however, further professional … First aid for wounds