Physiotherapy for a radius fracture

Together with the ulna, the radius forms our forearm bones, radius and ulna. Certain injuries can lead to a fracture, i.e. a break of the radius. Especially often the radius breaks when falling on the stretched arm, for example when trying to cushion a fall with the hand. Physiotherapy/treatment The treatment of a radius fracture … Physiotherapy for a radius fracture

Percussion: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Percussion is the tapping of the body surface for diagnostic purposes. Percussion is part of the physical examination and allows inferences to be made about the density, size, and consistency of the tissues and organs that lie beneath the tapping area through different sound reflections. What is percussion? Percussion is the tapping of the surface … Percussion: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Physiotherapy for tendinitis

If you perform certain movements under heavy load, the tendon may be irritated. It and the tendon sheath can become inflamed. This can lead to restricted movement, swelling and pain. Constant, subliminal overloading can also lead to chronic tendovaginitis, such as tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow. Physiotherapy for tendinitis In order to relieve the tendon … Physiotherapy for tendinitis

Tendonitis: What to Do?

Tendovaginitis can have various causes – in most cases, persistent monotonous movement triggers the symptoms. A typical symptom is severe pain, which can occur during movement but also at rest. If tendonitis is treated properly, it usually heals on its own after a few days. It is particularly important that the affected joint is spared. … Tendonitis: What to Do?

Alendronic Acid: Effects, Uses & Risks

Alendronic acid is used to treat osteoporosis. The prescription drug is commercially available in tablet or oral solution form. Alendronic acid is also known as alendronate. What is alendronic acid? Alendronic acid is used to treat osteoporosis. The prescription drug is commercially available in tablet or oral solution form. Alendronic acid is a medicinal substance … Alendronic Acid: Effects, Uses & Risks