Dulcamara | Homeopathy for back pain


Typical dosage of Dulcamara for back pain: Tablets D3 Further information about Dulcamara can be found under our topic: Dulcamara

  • Back pain with clear dependence on the weather
  • Consequence of cold and wet weather, soaking, cooling off in the evening after hot days, sitting on cold objects
  • Existing complaints get worse
  • Tearing, twitching, cold and numbness
  • Improvement of pain through heat, movement and rubbing
  • Restlessness


Typical dosage of Ledum for back pain: Tablets D4 Further information about Ledum can be found under our topic: Ledum

  • Back stiffness like after long sitting
  • Pain develops from bottom to top and often occurs crosswise (right shoulder, left hip)
  • Tendency to rheumatic inflammation of the joints and gout
  • It is noticeable that the patients freeze very quickly and also have a lack of warmth of life
  • Nevertheless they do not tolerate bed heat well and want to expose themselves
  • The pain is improved by light, cold applications and cold casts (nevertheless, the patients are very frosty)

Nux vomica

Prescription only up to and including D3! Typical dosage of nux vomica for back pain: Tablets D6 For further information on nux vomica, please see our topic: Nux vomica

  • Back pain preferably at night
  • Cannot turn around in bed without first sitting up
  • Weakness and numbness in the lumbar spine
  • Aggravation of complaints in standing, in the morning and by cold
  • Improvement through warmth and rest
  • Irritable, overworked patients who sit a lot and tend to eat, drink and smoke too much
  • Do not tolerate opposition

Rhus toxicodendron

Typical dosage of Rhus toxicodendron for back pain: Drops D4, D6 For further information about Rhus toxicodendron please refer to our topic: Rhus toxicodendron

  • Neck stiffness and severe back pain, especially in the lumbar region
  • Triggered and aggravated by cold and soaking, but also by overexertion, strain, lifting
  • Tearing pain, also formication, tingling
  • Patients are considerably restless
  • Aggravation by cold and rest
  • Better through movement (at first the pain worsens, but then it gets better) and local heat applications