Transient Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

A so-called transit syndrome is a disease within which the affected persons usually have to cope with a severe and long suffering. This is due to various reasons, including the extreme complexity of this health impairment.

What is a transit syndrome?

In medical terminology, a through syndrome refers to a whole range of mental disorders whose triggers are not always known. Because through syndrome is an accumulation of different clinical pictures, it is often difficult to make a clear diagnosis. Among the more atypical symptoms, which in their totality are important for a definition of transit syndrome, are the general disorientation and confusion of the affected person, as well as a possibly aggressive demeanor. Physical signs of the transit syndrome usually include high blood pressure, an elevated pulse, and excessive sweating.


The causes that can lead to through syndrome involve a whole collection of triggering factors. The origin of the passage syndrome could not be traced so far concretely. In a through syndrome, there is a close connection between physical illnesses and their effects on the central nervous system. The through syndrome is often observed after a serious illness or an extensive surgical intervention. Surprisingly, the suffering that occurs in the transit syndrome lasts only for a limited period of time, but it can also become a trigger for a serious mental disorder. Transitory syndrome mainly affects patients who have been in hospital for a long period of time and who may develop various mental abnormalities as a result. Survived heart surgeries, organ transplants, accidents, or aftereffects to certain anesthetics may also be causally related to passage syndrome.

Symptoms, complaints, and signs

Transient syndrome is associated with many different complaints, but all of them have a very negative impact on the quality of life of the affected person and reduce it significantly. As a rule, those affected by this disorder suffer from severe inner restlessness and further also from disturbances in coordination and orientation. Mood swings or depression can also occur due to the transit syndrome and make the daily life of the affected person more difficult. Many patients also suffer from confusion, which can easily lead to self-injury or dangerous situations. Furthermore, the transit syndrome also leads to sweating and high blood pressure. Impaired consciousness or memory may also occur due to the passage syndrome, making everyday life more difficult. In severe cases, hallucinations also occur. There is often a permanent anxiety and thus social exclusion. Those affected no longer take an active part in everyday life, so that contact is also broken off. In the further course, the transit syndrome can also lead to the death of the patient, if the complaints occur permanently and are not treated. Stress often occurs, which has a negative effect on the heart of the affected person. Likewise, the syndrome can have a negative effect on the affected person’s sleep, leading to sleep complaints and consequent irritability.

Diagnosis and course

In the course of the transit syndrome, acutely occurring physical complaints such as sensitivity to light, anxiety, severe mood swings, or insensitivity initially present themselves. As it progresses, patients suffer from states of confusion and are impaired in their ability to think and perceive. In some cases, hallucinations and fearful states occur. The symptoms increase and severely impair the “normal” appearance of the affected person, so that a visit to the doctor sooner or later is unavoidable, also for reasons of self-harm. When diagnosing the transit syndrome, the physician first relies on the anamnesis, the patient’s questioning and carries out a physical (mainly neurological) as well as laboratory medical examination. In addition, a so-called exclusion diagnosis must be carried out in the case of a diagnosis of through syndrome. These measures are extended by the use of special X-ray procedures.

When should one go to the doctor?

The transit syndrome does not normally require medical treatment. In most cases, the symptoms that occur disappear after a few hours or days. However, if this spontaneous healing fails to occur, medical care is needed. Additional complaints, such as an unusually high or low body temperature or discoloration of the skin, should be reported to the responsible employee or physician. The same applies if a change in behavior is noticed or the affected person panics. Patients who are physically weakened from the operation require regular monitoring in the presence of transit syndrome. In particular, the physician should check blood pressure and ensure that the patient is drinking enough fluids. If the patient disregards the instructions of the nursing staff and endangers himself or others, restraint may be used in consultation with the relatives. In most cases, however, it is sufficient for the patient to be monitored and, if necessary, given a mild sedative. In severe cases – when the individual is self-harming or experiencing intense hallucinations – the symptoms of pacing syndrome can be worked through with a therapist following treatment.

Treatment and therapy

If the existence of a transit syndrome has been clearly established, special therapeutic measures are taken. If there are no other physical diseases, the treatment for the passage syndrome refers mainly to the improvement of the psychological condition of the affected person. The drugs known as neuroleptics are helpful at this moment. They have a calming effect on the patient and are administered through the vein as needed. These are mainly drugs such as haloperidol or risperidone. These active substances improve sleep in patients suffering from a transit syndrome. If necessary, these drugs are supplemented by psychotropic drugs such as antidepressants (against depressive states) or benzodiazepines in the case of severe mental abnormalities after an intensive psychiatric diagnosis of the transit syndrome. Very extensive measures are not necessary in every case of a transit syndrome. This always depends on the particular manifestation and severity of distress in through syndrome. To prevent the worsening of a through syndrome, alcoholic beverages should be avoided. With patience and the support of relatives, the passage syndrome is usually overcome after a few days. In the case of through syndrome, patients are usually nervously upset and need to gradually settle down.

Outlook and prognosis

The prognosis of through-the-passage syndrome depends on the underlying condition. As the name implies, passage syndrome involves temporary symptoms that either resolve completely or lead to a chronic condition after the acute phase. In this context, the transit syndrome is defined for temporary brain-organic changes. According to the definition, it belongs to the functional psychoses without clouding of consciousness. Thus, it must be distinguished from other psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia, dementia, or reactive psychoses. Thus, the transition syndrome represents a phase of acute psychotic illness symptoms. To date, however, the term “transit syndrome” is controversial, and it is also considered an outdated term for brief delirium. This syndrome is often associated with psychotic alterations of consciousness in individuals in the postoperative period or during intensive care. Often, the symptoms of the so-called transitory syndrome subside without treatment. However, psychotropic drugs and sedatives may be used in severe progressions. However, there is no specific therapy. It is important to monitor blood pressure. In recurrent episodes of confusion and disorientation, only successful treatment of the underlying disease can help the brain-organic changes to completely regress. Without treatment, there is then a risk of developing a chronic brain-organic syndrome, which may eventually progress to a dementia-like syndrome.


It is not possible to prevent a transient syndrome. The body overreacts to a threat in various situations and is in a state of alarm.Every person processes intensive medical treatment and an inpatient stay in a clinic differently. Even intensive interventions and accidents leave their mark on the soul despite proper medical care and treatment and must first be processed.


The affected person has in most cases only very few possibilities and measures of an aftercare at the disposal with the passage syndrome, so that those are dependent thereby on a comprehensive examination and treatment by a physician. It is also not possible for the patient to heal himself, so that the early examination of the disease is in the foreground in order to prevent a further worsening of the symptoms. The treatment of the disease is usually carried out with the help of medication. Those affected are dependent on taking the medication regularly and also on the correct dosage in order to permanently alleviate the symptoms. If there are any uncertainties or questions, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Furthermore, many patients with through-syndrome depend on the help and support of their friends and family in everyday life to make it easier. Loving care also has a positive effect on the further course of the transition syndrome. In general, a healthy lifestyle with a healthy diet can also have a positive effect on the disease, and the affected person should primarily avoid alcohol and tobacco.

What you can do yourself

A transit syndrome as an organic psychosyndrome can only be successfully treated medically if the causes are known. Self-help is not possible for those affected because of the confusion and disorientation that often occur. In addition, patients are usually admitted as inpatients, so that even measures to cope with everyday life are not an option in the acute state. Relatives, on the other hand, can take some measures to ensure that the environment is as stress-free as possible for the patient and that orientation is strengthened. A dimmed light at night, for example, can be helpful in preventing anxiety and disorientation. Patients should also be repeatedly addressed by name to stimulate memory. Familiar music or even smells can also be helpful in the individual. Regular visits in a friendly and calm atmosphere can also be helpful for those suffering from a transit syndrome. Attention should be paid to the sufficient supply of fluids to maintain the fluid and electrolyte balance, as deficiencies can additionally lead to disorientation. Since patients with a transit syndrome are unable to take helping measures themselves, relatives and visitors should ensure that the nursing and sensory environment is designed as optimally as possible. This increases the likelihood that those with the condition will recover.