Treat Conjunctivitis

A red eye should always be clarified by a doctor, because in addition to the many forms of conjunctivitis, other diseases can also be the causes of the symptoms. How the diagnosis is made and what treatment is suitable for conjunctivitis, you will learn below.

How is conjunctivitis diagnosed?

To diagnose conjunctivitis, the doctor looks at the eye during his examination with a so-called slit lamp. This allows him to examine the various structures of the eye in magnified form. To look at the inside of the eyelids, the doctor must fold the eyelid over.

Since the treatment of conjunctivitis often varies and depends on the cause, a swab of the conjunctiva may be necessary to determine the causative agent.

If the doctor suspects an allergy as the cause of conjunctivitis, various allergy tests are done to determine the trigger. A rapid test is available for adenovirus as the trigger of dangerous keratoconjuntivitis. This allows the physician to diagnose and treat the condition more quickly.

Treatment of conjunctivitis

Simple conjunctivitis usually heals without consequences. Sometimes, however, medications can speed up healing:

  • If bacteria are the cause, the doctor usually prescribes an eye ointment or eye drops, which contain an antibiotic.
  • Against chlamydia helps a special antibiotic. Equally special is the treatment of gonococci. These two forms of conjunctivitis should be stationary, because the therapy must act throughout the body.
  • Viral conjunctivitis is usually more protracted, but usually heals without medication. However, in the case of herpes viruses, the treatment should be medicinal.
  • In the case of allergy, the affected person should in the first place avoid contact with the trigger. If this is not possible, so-called antihistamines can slow down the allergic reaction.
  • A dry eye as the cause of conjunctivitis can be treated with eye drops, which are an artificial tear substitute.

Some drops contain vasoconstrictive agents and should not be used for too long. Too long treatment can trigger a vicious circle, as the narrow vessels can in turn trigger a dry eye and thus conjunctivitis. However, short-term use of eye drops is not problematic.

Home remedies and homeopathy for conjunctivitis.

Those who want to treat conjunctivitis with home remedies or homeopathics should keep the following in mind:

Any red eye should be presented to a doctor to rule out rare dangerous eye diseases and to achieve the best possible treatment of conjunctivitis.

Hygiene prevents infection

Particular hygiene remains especially important in affected families. As a rule, highly contagious conjunctivitis is difficult to prevent from spreading. Nevertheless, relatives should be absolutely sure not to use towels or pillows used by the affected person and to wash their hands thoroughly after contact.