Treatment of varicose veins on the testicles | Varicose veins on the testicles – it’s that dangerous!

Treatment of varicose veins on the testicles

There are no drugs against varicose veins in the testicles. The varicose veins can usually be treated by a small operation as long as it is a primary varicocele. A therapy is not necessary in every case.

Factors that speak in favor of an intervention are pain, a reduced testicular volume, a severe varicocele or if the varicocele is perceived as unpleasant. There are several possibilities here. The goal of each alternative is to close the vein.

The blood can flow out through other veins. One possibility is sclerotherapy. Here, a substance is injected into the vein, which causes it to become sclerosed.

For this purpose, a catheter is inserted into the testicular veins through a vein in the groin, for example. The agent can be administered through this catheter. However, this method is not successful in some cases.

Embolisation is similar to sclerotherapy. The only difference is that a tissue adhesive or a spiral is placed in the vessel to close it. In the case of a secondary varicocele, which is caused, for example, by external pressure, the cause must be removed, e.g. a tumor.Often no surgery is necessary to treat a varicocele because it does not cause any discomfort.

An intervention does not guarantee an improvement of the problem. However, a varicocele can be improved by a few general measures, by avoiding factors that have a negative effect on the testicles. Poor posture, muscle imbalances in the pelvic floor muscles and back, a weakened cardiovascular system are said to have a negative effect.

Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption also have a negative effect. Another point to consider is the ideal testicular temperature, which is important for sperm production. Due to the wrong clothing, the testicle temperature can easily be too high.

It is important to wear suitable underwear for the right temperature. They should be supportive and breathable, but not too tight. It is also recommended to wear pants made of thin material.

Jeans are often made of thick material and collect the heat. Furthermore, strongly padded seats are unfavorable. When sitting for a long time it is advisable to stand up in between or to spread the legs slightly.

Also by a bad posture the testicle temperature can be slightly increased. In addition, a good posture can improve blood circulation. Sclerotherapy is a method by which vessels are sclerosed with the help of an agent that is given into the affected veins.

However, the success rates are worse than with the other possibilities, e.g. a surgical procedure. In varicocele surgery, the affected veins are tied and cut. If necessary, they are also cut out completely.

This operation can be performed either through a larger incision or through several very small holes, i.e. laparoscopically. The surgical instruments are inserted through these small incisions. The operation usually does not take long, usually less than an hour, and is relatively uncomplicated.

The operation can be performed on an outpatient or inpatient basis. How long you are on sick leave depends on whether the operation went well and which procedure was performed. As a rule, you can expect one to two weeks. If the job is physically demanding, it can also be a longer period. If any complications, such as an inflammation, should arise from the operation, you will of course be put on sick leave for a longer period.