Treatment/Therapy | Lung Pain


The lung pain itself usually does not require any special therapy, as it is merely a symptom accompanying various underlying diseases. Influenza infections usually heal on their own and the pain then also subsides again. However, if the pain is very severe, painkillers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol can be taken temporarily.

In the case of pneumonia or pleurisy, it may be necessary to take antibiotics. If the underlying disease recedes as a result, the lung pain should also disappear. For asthmatics, the treatment of the underlying disease is also a priority.

Different Asthmasprays are available, in order to prevent asthma attacks promptly. This avoids coughing and prevents lung pain in the first place. It applies thus that with lung pain the cause of the complaints is to be treated absolutely.

If this does not lead to sufficient pain relief at an early stage, conventional painkillers can provide relief. Since lung pain is particularly common in connection with colds, home remedies are often used to relieve the symptoms of a cold. Thyme tea is particularly well known.

Thyme has an expectorant effect and makes it easier to expectorate in cases of flu-like infections. It also has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antibacterial effect. The onion is also known for its expectorant effect.

Mixed with honey, it can be taken for colds. Inhalation is also a popular household remedy for lung pain. For this purpose, camomile, eucalyptus or thyme extract is added to hot water.

The whole thing is poured into a bowl over which the person concerned then holds his or her face. The head is covered with a towel so that the water vapour cannot escape and can be inhaled deeply. The steam moistens the mucous membranes and has a relaxing, disinfecting and expectorant effect on the bronchi due to the respective additives. This can be very beneficial for lung pain.In addition, you should always make sure that you drink a sufficient amount of water so that any mucus in the airways can be coughed up more easily. If the coughing irritation is reduced by these measures, the lung pain will also subside noticeably and quickly.