Home Remedies for Sore Muscles

Those who overdo it with sports or pursue unaccustomed strenuous activities often get a painful bill the following day. A sore muscle is not threatening from a medical point of view, but it is still extremely unpleasant. The good old home remedies are often a boon in this case and work at least as well … Home Remedies for Sore Muscles

Stretching against hip pain after jogging | Hip pain during or after jogging – What do I have?

Stretching against hip pain after jogging Even though jogging has become a popular sport in Germany and you don’t think you can do much wrong, there are still some mistakes that beginners make in running. Jogging is very stressful for the foot as well as the joints of the entire lower extremity, because with each … Stretching against hip pain after jogging | Hip pain during or after jogging – What do I have?

Pain in the thigh after jogging | Hip pain during or after jogging – What do I have?

Pain in the thigh after jogging If the hip pain radiates into the thigh during or after jogging, this usually indicates irritation of the “tractus iliotibialis“. This is a connective tissue structure that originates close to the hip joint at the pelvic bone and extends along the entire outer thigh to the base of the … Pain in the thigh after jogging | Hip pain during or after jogging – What do I have?

Stretching for sore muscles

Stretching or stretching exercises are used in many sports. In popular sports, stretching is usually part of a sport-specific warm-up programme. When stretching exercises are most sensibly used, and whether stretching exercises before or after a training or a load are more meaningful is to be clarified in the following lines. The active and passive … Stretching for sore muscles

Different effects | Stretching for sore muscles

Different effects Both forms of expansion (active and passive) have different effects and are therefore interesting for different requirements. Active forms of expansion have a warm-up effect and increase the following force outputs and force gains. They also strengthen the antagonist, improve the feeling of movement and neuromuscular control. Their tonus-lowering and tonus-increasing effect on … Different effects | Stretching for sore muscles

Why can pain get worse after acupuncture? | Pain after acupuncture

Why can pain get worse after acupuncture? The pain of the body area to be treated may initially become stronger shortly after the acupuncture treatment. This seems paradoxical, but can be observed in many alternative medical treatment methods. This is referred to as “initial worsening”, which in many cases seems necessary before the actual healing … Why can pain get worse after acupuncture? | Pain after acupuncture

Associated symptoms | Pain after acupuncture

Associated symptoms Side effects of acupuncture are generally very rare. They can be reduced by an experienced acupuncturist. The physical stimulus of the sting, however, can cause dizziness and in extreme cases even fainting in some patients. The local stimulus can manifest itself as pain, redness and swelling. In some cases, the affected area may … Associated symptoms | Pain after acupuncture

Evidence-based ( empirically proven healing art ) stretching techniques | Stretching

Evidence-based ( empirically proven healing art ) stretching techniques Synonym: Tension/relax/stretch(AE), Contract/Relax/stretch(CR): The specification of the tension/relax/stretch times for PIR stretching corresponds to the average data in the literature. The muscle to be stretched is moved with low force in the restricted direction of movement until a slight feeling of stretching occurs, followed by 5-10 … Evidence-based ( empirically proven healing art ) stretching techniques | Stretching

Stretch what? | Stretching

Stretch what? In order to find out which muscle groups are shortened, an individual examination by a physiotherapist or trainer is necessary. The examination includes: The exact location of the shortened muscles, the type of movement restriction and the possible causes are determined. Decisive for the selection of stretching exercises, stretching technique and intensity are … Stretch what? | Stretching


Synonym Muscle stretching, stretching, autostretching, stretchingMuscle stretching is a fixed, indispensable part of training and therapy in competitive and popular sports as well as in physiotherapy. The importance and necessity of stretching depends on the type of sport practiced or on the existing complaints. Sports scientists and physiotherapists discuss the implementation and effects of different … Stretching