Trichomoniasis (Trichomonad Infection): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Trichomoniasis is one of the sexually transmitted diseases. It is caused by a microparasite and affects vaginal tissues and the urinary tract. Symptoms of trichomoniasis are seen mainly in women, although men are also carriers but usually become ill without symptoms.

What is trichomoniasis?

The trigger for trichomoniasis is infection with Trichomonas vaginalis, a flagellate that averages 15 microns in size. The route of infection is sexual contact of the vaginal mucous membranes. Trichomonas infection is one of the most common contagious diseases during sexual intercourse worldwide. Treatment is uncomplicated and is performed on both sexual partners at the same time to prevent recurrent trichomonad infection. What is striking about trichomoniasis is that men very rarely show any detectable symptoms at all when infected. Almost exclusively affected are women, who may suffer from discharge, itching and other discomforts as a result of the trichomonad infection.


The disease of trichomoniasis occurs when a person infected with Trichomonas vaginalis transmits the parasitic flagellates to the mucous membranes of his sexual partner by way of sexual contact. These trichomonads settle on the vaginal mucosa and supply themselves with nutrients through it. In the process, the parasite destroys the natural vaginal flora and causes injuries to the mucous membrane. Trichomoniasis is difficult to detect at first, as in the majority of cases it remains asymptomatic for a long period of time. During this time, carriers can continue to spread it unhindered during sexual intercourse. Unnoticed, trichomoniasis can continue to increase in the body and the number of trichomonads initially grows. In contrast, mere physical contact without involvement of the vaginal mucous membranes does not cause trichomonad infection. Condom use protects but does not provide a guarantee against trichomoniasis.

Typical symptoms and signs

  • Vaginitis
  • Itching
  • Burning in the vagina (vaginal burning)
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Pain and burning during urination
  • Frequent urination

Diagnosis and course

Trichomoniasis is diagnosed in female patients by vaginal swabbing. Under the microscope, the pear-shaped parasites are clearly visible and allow a definitive diagnosis. Treatment should be given in any case where trichomoniasis is detected, as the symptoms can be painful and unpleasant for patients. In addition to a strong-smelling discharge, trichomoniasis is manifested by itching. In men and women alike, the spread to the urethra eventually caused increasing pain during urination. If the infestation is severe, women may experience temporary infertility. Rarely, the course is so severe that fever and physical weakness occur as a result of the trichomonad infection. The uterus and urinary bladder are also affected by trichomoniasis only in exceptional cases. In the vast majority of cases, men are only carriers of the trichomonad infection and do not present with symptoms.


Trichomoniasis leads to a number of very unpleasant symptoms, all of which have a very negative impact on the patient’s quality of life. As a rule, those affected suffer from vaginitis in the process. This leads to severe reddening of the skin and furthermore to itching of the skin. Likewise, there may be a burning sensation or vaginal discharge. In many cases, patients also suffer from pain during urination. This pain also leads to psychological discomfort or depression. Frequent urination is also noticeable, which has a negative effect on the daily life of the affected person. If trichomoniasis is not treated, it can further lead to infertility. Also, many patients suffer from fever or general physical weakness. Trichomoniasis can usually be treated well with the help of medications and antibiotics. There are no particular complications. The patient’s life expectancy is also not negatively affected if treatment is successful. However, in the event of a recurrence of the disease, those affected are dependent on renewed treatment.The partner should also undergo treatment in the process, as the disease is sexually transmitted.

When should you go to the doctor?

To prevent further complications or discomfort from trichomoniasis, this disease should definitely be examined and treated by a doctor. Only early detection and treatment can limit further worsening of symptoms. Therefore, in the case of trichomoniasis, a doctor should be consulted at the first symptoms and complaints. The doctor should be contacted if the affected person suffers from severe itching and burning in the vagina. The vagina itself is inflamed and can also hurt in many cases. Frequent urination is often an indication of trichomoniasis and should also be examined by a doctor. Most of those affected also show discomfort or pain when urinating. If the symptoms of trichomoniasis occur, a general practitioner should be consulted directly. The disease can usually be treated well.

Treatment and therapy

Although trichomoniasis is one of the most common infectious diseases with sexual transmission, it is easily treated. Once diagnosed, physicians have medications specifically designed to combat the parasites. These are prescription antibiotics that can be administered directly intravaginally or orally. The medications do not require any further supplementation in the treatment of trichomoniasis as long as they are taken for the necessary period of time according to the doctor’s instructions. Any patient is strongly advised against exclusive self-treatment with alternative remedies and methods. This infection must be treated quickly and under medical supervision. If the transmitting sexual partner is known and can be reached, it is necessary that he or she also be treated for trichomoniasis. It is irrelevant whether he or she shows symptoms. The partner treatment serves to exclude a new infection at the next sexual contact. Following treatment with antibiotics, the vaginal flora should be rebuilt, as it is damaged by the fight against trichomoniasis.


Against trichomoniasis, the only truly effective protection would be absolute abstinence. Since this is hardly reasonable for a patient, at least the use of condoms and thorough personal hygiene before and after sexual intercourse are recommended. Formerly ill patients must pay particular attention to protection during sexual intercourse with changing sexual partners, since the trichomonad infection can lead to increased susceptibility to HIV infection due to scarring of the vaginal tissue.


If trichomoniasis has been successfully treated, regular follow-up examinations should follow in order to detect and treat a new infection as well as secondary diseases at an early stage. In women, the follow-up examination consists of regular checks of the vaginal mucosa and vaginal secretions by means of swabs taken by the gynecologist. In addition, imaging techniques (ultrasound) can ensure that there is no infestation of the uterus. Also, to restore normal vaginal flora, follow-up treatment with lactic acid bacteria may be indicated. This is especially the case if persistent vaginal dryness associated with itching is present even after treatment for trichomoniasis. In addition, to prevent re-infection, both partners should avoid unprotected sexual intercourse with more than one person. Unprotected sexual intercourse must be avoided, especially in the first weeks after infection, because the infection, as well as its therapy with antibiotics, weakens the immune system and increases the likelihood of infection with HI viruses (AIDS). Men, especially if unprotected sexual intercourse with changing partners is not discontinued, should have regular swabs taken of their penile foreskin to ensure that there is no re-infection with trichomonads. In addition, a semen sample should be tested for fertility after trichomoniasis, as in rare cases the infection can affect the seminal vesicles, which can lead to infertility.

What you can do yourself

The effects of an infection with trichomonads on everyday life depend greatly on the sex of the person affected.Many men are hardly restricted by this. However, since inflammation can still occur, they should refrain from sexual intercourse and masturbation for the time being. Even after all symptoms have subsided, affected men should use condoms. The infection is still contagious over a longer period of time. Within a partnership, there is a risk of a ping-pong effect if both partners are affected. In women, the symptoms are often so intense that they are severely restricted in their daily lives. The most important self-help measure is not to give in to even intense itching. Scratching or rubbing the affected areas should be avoided at all costs. It is also necessary to maintain strict hygiene. Sanitary pads, panty liners and underwear must be changed regularly. The intimate area should be cleaned daily with water, but without soap. Self-treatment of the infection is not advisable in any case. Most common home remedies have negative effects on the course of the disease. Treatment with vinegar, tea tree oil or yogurt, for example, can lead to severe irritation. After trichomoniasis has been successfully treated with medication, the affected person can prevent a new infection by a course of lactic acid bacteria.