U 3 | Preventive examination for children

U 3

At the age of 6 weeks or between the 4th and 6th week of the child’s life the U3. The pediatrician in the practice examines the baby thoroughly and assesses its development. The child is measured and weighed, as for every examination, its head circumference is determined and the pediatrician (pediatrician) also checks the child’s reactions and reflexes.

Parents are interviewed about their child’s sleep, food intake and digestion. Important points that are asked are the amount of drinking the baby drinks, the frequency of meals and whether the child spits or even vomits after meals. Possibly the ultrasound examination of the hip will be repeated or a checkup of the findings will be made in case of a conspicuous sonography in the U2.

Frequently, the first ultrasound examination of the hip joints is also only performed during U3. The fourth examination (U4) takes place at the age of 3-4 months of age. During this examination, the child’s internal organs are thoroughly examined by ultrasound and the baby’s age-appropriate reflexes are checked.

Children of this age can usually lift their head and look straight ahead when they are in the prone position. In the supine position they can turn their head back and forth. Babies make moaning or sighing sounds, especially when they are satisfied or full.

They can follow (=fixate) objects or persons with their eyes that move in their field of vision. At U3, a visual and auditory screening is carried out, during which any visual or auditory difficulties can be identified: The baby should be able to fixate persons or objects and react to acoustic stimuli such as clapping or clicking sounds. The child is also weighed and measured, as for any examination. The data obtained is recorded in the so-called percentile curve (see under Percentiles/Development Guidelines) in the yellow screening booklet. The child’s first vaccinations are given at this age.