Vitamin C: Interactions

Interactions of vitamin C with other micronutrients (vital substances):


To favor the absorption of iron by reduction to Fe2+, 25 to 75 mg of vitamin C or more must be present in a meal. Possibly, vitamin C further increases the stability of intracellular ferritin. As a result, phagocytosis of ferritin into lysosomes, and thus conversion to poorly available hemosiderin, is prevented.


Elevated histamine levels developed under stress were observed to be reduced by the administration of ascorbic acid (vitamin C).

Vitamin E

Vitamin C has an indirect effect on membrane-bound radicals, which are neutralized by tocopherol molecules to form tocopherol radicals. L-ascorbic acid regenerates the tocopherol radical. This synergistic interaction optimally protects cell membranes as well as cells and the cell nucleus.