Vitamin D: Interactions

Interactions of vitamin D with other micronutrients (vital substances):


Maintenance of serum calcium levels in the blood – within a narrow blood level – is vital for the nervous system, bone growth, and maintenance of bone density. Vitamin D is responsible for efficient use of calcium in this process. Parathyroid receptors measure serum calcium levels and release parathyroid hormone (PTH) when serum calcium levels are too low. An increase in PTH increases the activity of the enzyme 25-OH-D3-1-hydroxylase in the kidney, which in turn results in increased production of 1,25-(OH)2-D3 (calcitriol/active vitamin D).
Increasing production 1,25-(OH)2-D3 (calcitriol) normalizes serum calcium levels as follows:

  • Improved absorption of calcium supplied daily with food.
  • Increased mobilization of calcium from the bones into the bloodstream.
  • Improved recovery of calcium in the kidneys