Wart removal by laser treatment | Warts

Wart removal by laser treatment

Laser wart removal is the method of choice especially in severe wart conditions, when other methods have not been successful. In principle, there are two different methods of wart removal by laser, but both of them require anesthesia. In the first method the wart is cut out by a laser scalpel.

The problem here is possible pain after the treatment and scarring processes in the areas where the laser was used. The second method is more gentle, but more protracted. In several sessions the blood vessels that supply the warts are destroyed.

Consequently, the wart can no longer be supplied with nutrients and dies. The number of sessions depends on the size of the warts. The latter method has proven itself in recent years and is therefore now explained in more detail: three days before the laser appointment, the wart is pre-treated with a plaster containing substances that are supposed to soften the wart a little so that the wart can be scraped off a little immediately before the irradiation and the laser beams can thus penetrate the skin more deeply.

After the skin area around the wart has been numbed, the laser is now used to destroy the blood vessels supplying the wart. After the treatment, the skin area is cooled. At a follow-up appointment (usually 6 weeks), the wart is removed if it has not yet fallen off on its own or the laser treatment is continued if the first session was not sufficient.

For a good and scar-free healing, it is important that the wound is kept clean so that no bacteria or viruses can cause an infection. Daily dressing changes ensure that the wound secretions are removed and the area is kept as dry as possible. Especially after wart removal on the feet it is important that the areas where warts were previously located are relieved. If all this is taken into account, a laser treatment can achieve a very pleasant result and remove warts permanently.