What are the alternatives to cortisone? | Cortisone therapy for asthma

What are the alternatives to cortisone?

The cortisone preparations most frequently used in asthma therapy are budesenoside and beclomethasone. In addition to these cortisone preparations, beta-2 sympathomimetics play a particularly important role in asthma therapy. However, they differ significantly in their effect from the cortisone preparations mentioned.

While the inhaled cortisosteroids have a long-term anti-inflammatory effect in asthma, beta-2 sympathomimetic drugs act via a short- or long-term dilatation of the airways. Short-acting beta-2 sympathomimetics such as salbutamol are thus used in acute asthma attacks because they lead to an almost immediate relief of shortness of breath by dilating the airways. Inhaled cortisone preparations are therefore not really comparable with beta-2 sympathomimetics. From stage 2 of asthma therapy onwards, both substances play an important and equal role in asthma therapy.