What are the consequences of pre-eclampsia for the mother? | Preeclampsia

What are the consequences of pre-eclampsia for the mother?

Preeclampsia can have serious consequences for the mother. However, with good monitoring and treatment, the risks of complications are low. In principle, damage to the kidney, liver and nervous system can occur.

Important complications to be mentioned in this context are eclampsia and HELLP syndrome. Eclampsia is a serious disease associated with seizures of the mother. With each eclamptic seizure, the mother’s risk of dying increases by 3%.

Therefore, treatment in a clinic must take place immediately. Eclampsia does not necessarily have to be associated with pre-eclampsia. However, it occurs in up to 10% of pre-eclampsia cases.

HELLP syndrome is a disease that can lead to liver damage, brain haemorrhage and acute kidney failure. It is life-threatening and occurs in up to 10% of pre-eclampsia. In case of HELLP syndrome a caesarean section must be performed immediately. After pre-eclampsia, the risk of pre-eclampsia in a new pregnancy is also increased.

What is the difference to HELLP syndrome?

The HELLP syndrome and pre-eclampsia are different diseases which do not necessarily have to be related to each other.The exact mechanism of the development of both diseases is still not understood and the subject of research. HELLP syndrome can occur as early as the 16th week of pregnancy and can continue to develop for days after birth, whereas pre-eclampsia can occur at the earliest after the 20th week of pregnancy and also ends at the end of pregnancy. HELLP syndrome continues to progress in relapses and is characterized by a dissolution of red blood cells (hemolysis), a decrease in platelets and increased liver values.

There is no restriction of the kidney and no proteinuria, as is the case with pre-eclampsia. In HELLP syndrome, paradoxically, many small thromboses and bleedings occur. Typical symptoms are headaches, right-sided abdominal pain, nausea, flickering eyes and sensitivity to light. Unlike pre-eclampsia, HELLP syndrome is a reason for an immediate caesarean section with termination of pregnancy.