What Birch Water does for Health

Birch water – also known as birch sap – is a sweet-tasting liquid obtained mainly from the trunk, but also from the thicker branches or roots of the birch tree. The healing power of birch water has been used for many centuries. Currently, birch water with its valuable ingredients is being rediscovered, because the juice is easy to obtain and usually free of side effects. In Russia or even in northern China, birch sap is still drawn directly from the birch tree. What effect does it have on health?

Effect of birch water

Birch water is said to have quite a few health-promoting properties, some of which have hardly been researched scientifically. The occupation with the new trend product reaches only now the general interest. Some positive effect is however already occupied. Birch sap has always been extracted by peoples in Europe, America and the East. The knowledge of our ancestors about medicinal herbs and remedies from nature is very comprehensive. This is also true of birch sap. The sap can be drunk pure.

Extraction from birch

The birch sap is obtained by drilling the trunk or branch in the spring, usually in April. After half an hour, a glass is filled with the juice that comes out. Up to 200 liters a birch tree produces in a year. However, you should not tap more than five liters and then give the tree a recovery period of at least two years.

Healthy ingredients in birch water

Since the liquid serves to nourish the tree, it is rich in healthy ingredients. It contains:

  • Amino acids
  • Iron and potassium
  • Calcium and magnesium
  • Sodium and phosphorus
  • Proteins and zinc
  • Vitamin C
  • Saponins

Sugar in birch sap

Saponins are precursors of sugar. They promote the absorption of substances from the intestine (so they are less suitable for people with intestinal inflammation, as toxins should not enter the blood) and even have a reputation for preventing colon cancer. The sugar substitute xylitol (xylitol) – also known as birch sugar – can act against tooth decay and has no negative effect on blood sugar levels. In addition, birch sap contains fructose and glucose, and sometimes sucrose and arabinose. 100 milliliters of birch water contain only about 5 calories (kcal). Therefore, birch juice becomes interesting as a drink for all people who are watching their weight. If coconut juice was so far particularly in demand, birch juice could run off him now the rank. One even swears on a birch juice cure, with which three weeks long daily of the beverage is drunk. Depending on the manufacturer, however, birch juice may contain artificial sugar additives, so the calorie content can also be significantly higher.

Birch juice: anti-inflammatory and detoxifying.

Overall, birch water is considered to have anti-inflammatory and cholesterol-lowering properties. It is also said to be able to serve as a hormone stimulant, a remedy for cellulite, and a detoxifier. It is also said to help against skin blemishes, anemia, gout and rheumatism. The sap can stimulate kidney and gall bladder activity while driving away springtime fatigue. Patients with diabetes can also benefit from birch sap. However, it should not be drunk in cases of severe kidney ailments. In the case of kidney gravel, on the other hand, the juice can help.

Birch water for skin and hair

According to ancient beliefs, birch water strengthens the immune system and helps against hair loss. The application as a hair remedy works most simply by rubbing the hair or scalp, respectively. Also, the head and hair can be washed with the juice. Birch water is said to work against eczema and therefore can reduce the formation of dandruff. It is present in many shampoos, but a centered application is considered more effective. Birch water is also used as a component of a wash lotion for skin blemishes.

Health from nature

Birch water can be purchased online or in drugstores. The products available on the market consist of processed birch sap: this is either sterilized or pasteurized after extraction. This makes it more durable. Adding sugar and citric acid or alcohol also makes birch water last longer; pure, the juice spoils after a few days. It is often further processed into syrup or jelly. Birch sap is fermented to birch wine. Hardly anyone has to fear side effects with birch water.The refreshing drink is definitely a delicious thirst quencher with many healthy ingredients.