What can you do against coughing? | What to do in case of laryngitis?

What can you do against coughing?

A laryngitis can be accompanied by an unpleasant irritation of the throat. It is often sufficient to moisten the throat area sufficiently to relieve the irritation. Various herbal teas (for example thyme, peppermint, sage, chamomile) or ginger tea are suitable for this purpose.

Honey mixed into the tea also has a calming effect on the mucous membranes and can relieve the coughing irritation. The same applies to cough sweets, for example sage sweets, which soothe irritated mucous membranes. If these measures do not bring about any improvement, medication can also be taken to combat the coughing irritation. Various preparations are available in pharmacies without a prescription that are suitable for this purpose. Continued tormenting cough stimulus should be medically examined, since there are also prescription drugs against strong cough stimulus, which can provide remedy in these cases under circumstances.

Homeopathy for laryngitis

In the case of laryngitis, various homeopathic medicines can be used for supportive therapy. The different preparations are selected and, if necessary, combined according to the exact symptoms of the patient. For example, the following are used: For acute complaints, potency D12 is usually used and can be taken up to every hour (3-5 globules each). Since homeopathy has no proven scientific effects, a doctor should be consulted if the symptoms persist.

  • Allium cepa (kitchen onion),
  • Argentum nitricum (silver nitrate),
  • Spongia (sea sponge),
  • Causticus (Hahnemann’s caustic),
  • Phosphorus (yellow phosphorus)
  • And Arum triphyllum (three-leaved arum).

Treatment of laryngitis caused by reflux

A laryngitis caused by reflux is caused by a reflux of stomach acid into the esophagus. This leads to heartburn. This gastric acid can reach the larynx with pronounced reflux and, for example, an unfavorable sleeping position, or cause laryngitis there through long-term irritation.

To avoid this chronic irritation, the stomach acid must be contained. This is done with medication using so-called proton pump inhibitors. These are special drugs that block the production of gastric acid in the stomach.

Omeprazole is one of them. At the same time, it is advisable to eat carefully and avoid acidic foods as well as fatty and sweet foods.Coffee, nicotine and alcohol consumption should also be avoided, as these lead to increased stomach acid production. Under these measures, in combination with drug therapy, the production of stomach acid is greatly reduced and allows the irritated laryngeal mucosa to regenerate.