The ladies of the Baroque period used atropine to become more attractive to men. They dripped it into their eyes, which caused their pupils to dilate. Dark eyes were considered desirable at that time. From this can be derived the Latin name of the plant from which atropine is obtained: Atropa belladonna, deadly nightshade. Atropa is derived from the Greek goddess Atropos, who cuts the thread of life. Belladonna stands for “beautiful woman.” The name belladonna may come from the fact that people who consume the shiny black berries act like they are “mad” (crazy).
Effect of atropine
Nowadays, the exact mechanism of action of atropine is known, and it is used in diverse fields of medicine. Atropine exerts its effect in the parasympathetic nervous system. There it inhibits the action of acetylcholine, a transmitter of nerve excitation.
In ophthalmology, it is still used to dilate the pupil, but not for cosmetic reasons. Ophthalmologists can use it to examine the back of the eye. Furthermore, atropine is used for smooth muscle spasms in the gastrointestinal tract and to treat incontinence.
Because belladonna is extremely toxic, atropine requires a prescription and a pharmacy.