What is the difference to braces? | Bandage for tennis elbow

What is the difference to braces?

The difference between tennisarm – bandage and brace is that the bandage only needs to be put on and through elastic properties, the pressure on the affected area. However, there are also bandages that also have an integrated strap, so that they come very close to the brace in their function. Bandage without belt have the disadvantage compared to the brace that the pressure cannot be varied individually. It should be mentioned that the bandage is usually somewhat larger and includes a part of the forearm as well as the upper arm.

Problems with the tennis elbow bandage

If you apply this bandage directly after overcoming tennis elbow, you have to be careful, because there is a danger that a too tight bandage will cut off the circulation and thus slow down the healing process. During acute tennis elbow, bandages are not immterely helpful in the treatment and it must be decided together with the treating orthopedist whether a bandage should be worn during the therapy phase or not.

Combination with other forms of therapy

Ideally, the bandage is not the sole therapy after tennis elbow, but is used in combination with cold or heat treatment, physiotherapy, shock wave therapy and protection of the forearm.