When do you need an operation? | Scar fracture

When do you need an operation?

As a rule, the vast majority of scar hernias are treated surgically during the course of the procedure. This is because scar hernias tend to break through more and more over time. If the hernia slowly gets bigger, surgical treatment is recommended.

Without the operation, the intestine may otherwise become trapped with serious complications.However, if the hernia does not cause any symptoms, is only very small and does not tend to get bigger, further surgery may not be necessary in consultation with the treating physician. The age of the patient, previous illnesses and the medical history must also be taken into account. As a rule, surgery is nevertheless strongly recommended, because without surgery there can be no healing.


A scar break is usually treated surgically without any problems. The operation is a standard operation, which is performed frequently and is part of the routine procedures. If incarceration and emergency surgery are required, quick treatment is indicated.

If the hernial sac is treated immediately, further complications are not necessarily to be expected. In about 5% of the patients the scar rupture occurs again. In order to prevent this, you should avoid carrying heavy loads for the first time after the operation. Weight loss and refraining from risky behaviour such as nicotine consumption can also prevent a recurrence of a scar hernia.

Scar hernia and sports

In the first weeks to months after the surgery, you should not carry or lift heavy loads. Your surgeon will give you more detailed information about the recommendations in your case. As a rule, you should avoid heavy loads for about 6 weeks after minimally invasive surgery.

Due to the significantly larger scar, you should keep this in mind up to 3 months after open surgery. You should also refrain from abdominal muscle training in the beginning. In the first two weeks after the operation, you should not go swimming or swimming. Daily exercise and light sports are permitted on a small scale as long as you do not experience any pain.