Diagnosis | Test anxiety


Since in test anxiety many different factors interact and influence the course of the disease, a clear diagnosis is not easy to make. Especially in childhood and adolescence, a hidden or undetected attention and concentration disorder can be confused with test anxiety.Important for the diagnosis is a detailed discussion with the affected persons and the evaluation on the basis of scientifically based questionnaires and criteria.


The decisive factor for the prognosis of exam nerves is the power of thoughts on our body. In order to understand this, one can perform the following self-experiment: You close your eyes and think about your favorite food. You try to remember your favorite food exactly and to visualize it as detailed as possible.

In the end, you should have noticed that the saliva in your mouth has coalesced and your stomach may even growl. And this is only because you have imagined something. In the same way, negative thoughts that trigger test anxiety affect the body.

To the same extent, positive thoughts can also help to overcome the fear. Therefore, the prognosis of test anxiety is generally favorable. Nevertheless, it also plays a role in how far other psychologically conspicuous factors are connected with test anxiety and how severe the degree of test anxiety is.

Since a fear of exams can also trigger depression, it should not be underestimated. The earlier you get help, the higher the probability of overcoming the fear. For information about the stages of puberty click here.


Good preventive measure are courses to: There one can acquire the suitable skills, in order to prepare in the best possible way for an examination and in the examination itself a good figure to deliver. This can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing exam nerves. Once you have had bad experiences in an exam situation, it is important to work through them.

It is important to do this with a trusted person or to seek professional help. It should be tried to stop the vicious circle of fear reaction, failure and self-attribution as early as possible. If it becomes apparent during exam preparation that you are having difficulty working and learning the topics due to fear, a critical point has been passed and you should seek help. Examination sickness is not something to be ashamed of, but rather one should respond to one’s needs and seek advice and help as early as possible.

  • Time management,
  • Efficient working,
  • Rhetoric,
  • Self-confidence training.