Eyelid correction


An eyelid correction is a minor surgical procedure in which the upper eyelid is usually tightened, but sometimes the lower eyelid is also tightened. The plastic surgeon calls the eyelid lift blepharoplasty. Eyelid corrections are usually not a medical necessity, but serve to improve aesthetics. The face appears more youthful and the gaze is opened. They are used by patients with drooping eyelids, tear sacs or age-related eyelid sagging.

What does an eyelid correction cost?

Depending on the extent of the desired effect and location, the cost of eyelid correction varies. A rough estimate is that an eyelid lift will cost around €2000 per eye. If additional sedation or anaesthesia with hospitalisation is desired or required, the costs will continue to rise.

As eyelid lifting is one of the most common operations in plastic surgery, there are numerous providers, especially in urban areas. The price comparison can be worthwhile. Like almost all cosmetic surgery procedures, eyelid correction has no medical benefit in most cases, which is why health insurance companies usually do not cover the costs. If there is a medical indication for eyelid correction, it is possible that the health insurance company will contribute to the costs incurred or even cover them completely. However, this depends on the specific indication, the general health situation and the rules of the health insurance company.

Indications for eyelid correction?

Although eyelid lifting is an elective aesthetic procedure, there may still be medical indications. These include above all the impairment of the field of vision due to the drooping eyelids. Frequently recurring inflammation of the eyelid margin or conjunctiva, which is caused by the drooping eyelids, can also be an indication for eyelid lift. Congenital eyelid deformities or consequences of accidents that affect vision may make eyelid correction necessary. Congenital eyelid deformities or the consequences of accidents affecting vision may require eyelid correction.

Preparation for the eyelid correction surgery

In a detailed consultation and anamnesis interview with the plastic surgeon, the expectations of the patient as well as the general state of health should be clarified before the procedure. Blood-thinning medication is particularly important. They can lead to complications in the well perfused tissue around the eye during or after the operation.

However, they should never be discontinued by the patient on their own. Consultation with the family doctor is strongly recommended. Furthermore, if possible, no vaccinations should be given in the 2 weeks before the operation.

Procedure of the OP

After the anaesthetic, a small incision is made with a scalpel in the natural eyelid crease during an upper eyelid lift and then excess fatty tissue and skin is removed. Sometimes a tightening of the underlying muscle tissue is also necessary to achieve an attractive result. The operation is finished with the skin incision being closed with fine sutures or fixing plasters.

With sedation or general anaesthesia, the anaesthetic is then removed. The procedure for lifting the lower eyelid is similar. However, since the incision runs directly along the lower lash line, no scar remains. If pronounced bags under the eyes are to be removed, the incision may have to be widened towards the lateral corner of the eye to remove the excess tissue. This is followed by wound closure and, if necessary, anaesthetic drainage.