Yellow Fever: Causes

Pathogenesis (development of disease)

Yellow fever virus belongs to the flavivirus group. The virus is transmitted by mosquitoes of the genera Aedes and Haemagogus. The former are diurnal and nocturnal. In exceptional cases, transmission through blood donations is possible.The virus spreads through the skin and regional lymph nodes, thus entering the thoracic duct (the largest lymphatic vessel in the human body), from where it leads to viremia (generalization phase of a cyclic viral infection associated with the settlement, multiplication and spread of viruses through the bloodstream). This can lead to the organ manifestations. Kupffer cells (specialized, sessile (sessile) macrophages (phagocytes) of liver tissue) of the liver are preferentially affected.

Etiology (Causes)

Behavioral causes

  • Lack of protection from mosquitoes in endemic areas.