Side effects after localization | Side effects of creatine

Side effects after localization

Side effects of creatine, which affect the testicles or, metaphorically speaking, male potency, are not known. This assumption may be due to the fact that dietary supplements are generally considered “illicit” substances, which are equated with anabolic steroids. However, this is not the case in the slightest.

So far, there is no study that has brought such a result to light. In fact, this assumption probably seems so absurd that this possibility has not even been investigated. Since creatine is a substance that is also found physiologically in the human body, sooner or later every man should experience effects on the testicles.

Since creatine is normally found in the muscle fibers, people who have more muscles also have more creatine. If muscular men are known to suffer from potency problems, etc., this is due to many other factors – mostly the use of the steroidal anabolic steroids mentioned above. Also for the assumption that creatine could cause negative effects on the heart, or more precisely on the heart muscle cells, there is no evidence whatsoever according to the current state of knowledge.

Rather, until a few years ago, attempts were made to help people with severe heart failure by administering creatine to them. In heart failure, the heart muscle is not strong enough to pump blood out of the heart against the blood pressures in the body’s circulatory system. With the help of creatine, attempts have been made to strengthen the heart muscle and increase its strength so that it can generate higher heart pumping pressures.

However, this effect could not be achieved by taking simple creatine powder. In a study from the 90s, however, the administration of phosphocreatine showed a positive effect. This myth could also be caused by the fact that physical connections were misinterpreted.

Since creatine is considered harmless today, it is consumed by a large proportion of active athletes. If heart problems developed in connection with physical training, this may have been mistakenly attributed to creatine intake, when in fact other things, such as undiagnosed myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle), were behind it. This point was also briefly mentioned above and will now be explained in more detail.

How creatine changes the appearance of the skin is primarily related to the additional amount of water absorbed. As already described, creatine ensures that water is bound to it in the body. Now the skin appearance can change in two ways: The first possibility assumes that not enough water is absorbed with the creatine.

Accordingly, the creatine has to help itself from the body’s “water reservoirs”. On the one hand, this is done from the water that is part of the blood – the blood becomes thicker, so to speak – and on the other hand from the water that is located in the subcutaneous fatty tissue and in the skin itself. The skin thus appears thinner, wrinkled and less tightened.

The second possibility assumes that enough water is supplied to the body, so that the water reservoirs are not tapped or directly refilled. The skin therefore remains firm. The increased size of the muscles in people with low body fat can also cause the skin to become even tighter or more taut due to the enlarged muscles.