Pregnancy and Metformin | Metformin in polycystic ovary syndrome

Pregnancy and Metformin

In connection with PCO, previous studies and observations have shown that the abortion rate was significantly reduced when pregnant women continued to take the drug metformin during the first trimester. On the other hand, there was a comparatively high rate of miscarriages if pregnant women were not treated with metformin or if the drug was discontinued too early. There is generally a significant improvement in pregnancy in women with PCO syndrome and diabetes, even if they take metformin all the time.

However, there is still a lack of large studies that examine in more detail to what extent the drug actually has a better effect. However, it is supposed to reduce early abortions and pregnancy sugar. The best information, however, can always be given by the doctor treating the woman, as he or she knows the exact circumstances of the woman in question best and is always up to date with regard to studies and new findings on the individual drugs and the respective side effects.

Slimming under metformin

Overweight is a major risk for the development of PCO and also for the development of diabetes mellitus 2. It has been found that almost 70% of women with PCO weigh significantly too much. So it is inevitable to lose weight if the disease is to be treated or if one wants to get pregnant.

If all diets fail in overweight adults and they also already have diabetes, then it is essential to start therapy with metformin. The drug significantly reduces the complications that would accompany diabetes. There are few drugs that help as well as metformin.

However, the drug metformin should not be thought of as a weight-loss pill but rather as a means of reducing body sugar. In addition to taking metformin, it is essential for patients to lose weight and make fundamental changes to their diet. You can get help here from the treating physician, but also from a nutritionist, who can then respond individually to the individual needs and also knows all the other important factors such as age and additional diseases.