Damage to the ulnar nerve | Brachial plexus

Damage to the ulnar nerve

Symptoms The uncomfortable feeling that appears for a few seconds when the elbow hits an object is the reason why the name “funny bone” has become established in general language for this region of our human body. It can lead to a reduced ability of the thumb to draw the thumb to the body and results in the clinical picture of a claw hand. Apart from this, numbness is often perceived in the small and ring finger.

Cause The course of the ulnar nerve through the sulcus nervi ulnaris, which is a furrow in the bone on the back of the elbow, makes it a nerve that is not very well protected and therefore susceptible to injury. In addition, nerve compression can occur in the area of the upper thorax, which is also called thoracic outlet syndrome. Therapy Muscle training and a resulting change in posture can improve the symptoms. The physician may also prescribe a splint. In rare cases surgery is necessary.

Damage to the median nerve

Symptoms If a patient is unable to close his hand when closing his fist and the thumb, index finger and middle finger only partially react, the median nerve is often damaged. Because the position of the fingers makes it look like an oath, the name “oath hand” has become established in the medical field. In addition, patients complain about sensitivity disorders on the palm of the hand in the area of the thumb, index and middle finger as well as in their fingertips. The cause of these symptoms can be carpal tunnel syndrome.