What does “isokor” mean at the pupil? | Pupil

What does “isokor” mean at the pupil?

Pupils are called isocor if their diameter is about the same on both sides. Slight side differences of up to one millimeter are still called isocor.Larger differences are no longer isocor, such a state is called anisocor. Since anisocor is an important symptom in a number of diseases, the doctor often pays attention to whether the pupils are isocor.

Clinical Effects

Pupillomotor functions can be treated with medication. For medical purposes within the scope of ophthalmological examinations, for example, drugs are used which lead to mydriasis. These are usually administered in the form of eye drops.

After it was explained above that the sympathetic nervous system is responsible for dilation and the parasympathetic nervous system for narrowing the pupil, it is now also understandable that in order to achieve mydriasis one either gives drugs that activate the sympathetic nervous system (sympathomimetics) or drugs that inhibit the parasympathetic nervous system (parasympatheticcolytics). Mostly the latter are used, including atropine and tropicamide. The induction of miosis can also be medically desirable, for example in the acute attack of glaucoma.

In this case, the intraocular pressure is greatly increased, the aim is to reduce the pressure as quickly as possible to prevent permanent damage to the eye. By narrowing the pupil, the aqueous humor in the eye can drain off more easily, resulting in a decrease in intraocular pressure. Carbachol and aceclidine are the most commonly used drugs, both of which belong to the group of parasympathomimetics, i.e. they activate the parasympathetic nervous system. Opioids such as morphine cause miosis. This can be an indication of opioid intoxication in an unconscious patient.

Pupils twitching – What could be behind it?

When pupils twitch, this can have many causes. A pendulum-like tremor of the pupils is also called nystagmus. It may be congenital or may occur as part of a disease, for example a visual disorder, brain damage or balance problems.

Nystagmus can also occur in healthy people. By jumping back and forth of the eyes, one can, for example, look at objects sharply from a moving train or keep the surroundings in focus when turning around one’s own axis. A slight twitching of the pupils is sometimes also described by healthy people when they are very tired and have to focus on one point for a long time.

For example, this can occur during long screen work or when watching a lecture. However, this twitching is probably not dangerous and is related to eye fatigue. A slight twitching of the pupils is sometimes also described by healthy people when they are very tired and have to focus on one point for a long time.

For example, this can occur when working at a computer screen for a long time or when watching a lecture. However, this twitching is probably not dangerous and is related to eye fatigue.