TCM examination methods

Note TCM

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  • Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

In the early days of this ancient art of healing, only the sensory organs of the doctor for examination were in the foreground: place. The goal of every examination is – as still today – the collection of findings, the analysis and interpretation of which leads to the selection of the therapy via the diagnosis.

  • View
  • Feel
  • Smell and taste
  • Listening and
  • Targeted questions

Treatment in the TCM

Modern medicine is mainly based on findings, in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) the patient’s condition is the main focus. Nowadays, of course, in acute emergencies, modern diagnostics such as x-rays and laboratory findings are additionally used both here and in China. Especially in resuscitation and surgery they are indispensable.

In TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), the concept of the 16 questions according to Wang Xuetai is very helpful in collecting the findings. These questions about the individual program of the person are based on questions: The ascertained states are again divided into the dualistic principle of Yin and Yang. All in all, even a “good doctor of the western school” should answer these questions in his first medical history of the patient.

In TCM, the examination of the tongue and pulse plays a special role in diagnostics. The examination of these parts of the body can lead to the diagnosis of a disease of the whole organism. For example, the tip of the tongue is assigned to the heart and liver, liver and gallbladder to the edge of the tongue, stomach and spleen to the middle of the tongue and the kidney to the root of the tongue. In addition to the body of the tongue and any coating, the shape and color of the tongue are evaluated.

  • Psyche
  • General condition
  • Face Color
  • Body temperature
  • Sensitivity
  • MotoricTonus
  • Breathing
  • Food
  • Bowel movement
  • Micturition
  • Sweat secretion
  • Menstruation
  • Wound
  • Palpation (palpation) Abdomen
  • Tongueand
  • Pulse.