Why doesn’t my urine get lighter, even though I drink a lot? | Urine Color

Why doesn’t my urine get lighter, even though I drink a lot?

If a dark discoloration of the urine cannot be explained by one of the possible causes listed above and there is no improvement or brightening of the urine despite an increase in the amount of drinking water supplied, a doctor should be consulted and the symptoms clarified. Dark urine can occur in different facets. It can be yellowish-brown, dark orange-red, dark brown or almost black. This can have harmless causes, such as the intake of certain drugs and specific antibiotics.

What does light urine mean?

Naturally, depending on the amount of water we drink, our urine is light yellow to transparent and has a clear consistency. If large quantities of urine are distributed throughout the day, this is called polyuria (>2000ml urine production/day). The polyuria is then usually accompanied by a light coloration of the urine to almost colorlessness.

This is perfectly normal after a large amount of fluid intake. However, light urine can also indicate diseases such as diabetes insipidus or an untreated diabetes mellitus. Since these clinical pictures require treatment, any abnormalities in the urine should be clarified by a doctor.

Can change in urine be a sign of pregnancy?

The urine color itself cannot be a sign of pregnancy. When a pregnancy is detected, safe and unsafe pregnancy signs are distinguished. Uncertain signs of pregnancy are the absence of menstruation, nausea, vomiting and a feeling of tension in the breasts. However, the detection of a certain hormone, the β -HCG, which is produced by the placenta in the case of a pregnancy, is certain. β-HCG is detectable 6-9 days after fertilization in the blood and approximately from the 14th day in the urine.In urine, this can be done with the help of a urine rapid test, whereby the earliest possible detection is in the morning urine.

How does urine color change during pregnancy?

The human body adapts to an existing pregnancy through various changes. For example, heart rate and blood volume increase, vascular resistance in the periphery decreases and the breast grows. The metabolism changes, which can lead, among other things, to changes in the activity of the intestines and to constipation. Since the kidneys are also supplied with more blood during pregnancy and kidney function and filtration behaviour change, this can also have a certain effect on the colouring of the urine. Major changes in color or consistency should be presented to a doctor and the urine should be examined.