Inflammation of the armpit – How dangerous is that?

General information

Inflammation that occurs in the armpit area can have various causes. In most cases, the inflammatory processes in the armpit are provoked by minute skin damage, through which bacterial pathogens can pass through the skin surface. This damage is usually caused by regular shaving and the use of antiperspirants (deodorants).

Almost all men and women who shave regularly in the armpit area can observe the appearance of skin irritation and small pimples. These look unattractive and may cause severe itching and burning, but are usually harmless and self-limiting. Frequently ingrown hairs appear after shaving, which are very similar to pimples and are therefore also known as “razor pimples”.

See here: Ingrown underarm hair Depending on how sensitive the skin of the armpits of affected patients is, pronounced inflammatory processes can develop in addition to these skin irritations. Especially people who have dry, scaly skin should therefore refrain from shaving and choose a different depilation method. In addition, inflammation in the armpit area can originate from the numerous sweat glands within this region.

Sweat gland inflammation, unlike skin irritation caused by shaving, is not only an aesthetic problem, but above all a painful one. If the inflammation of the armpit is particularly pronounced, any contact with skin and/or clothing can be extremely painful. There are about three million sweat glands on the human body.

Most of them are located in the area of the forehead, palms of the hands, soles of the feet and armpits. Due to their anatomical structure, sweat glands are divided into two groups: Those that are freely located in the skin and those that are directly connected to a hair follicle. The sweat glands of the armpit are usually connected to a hair follicle due to the strong hairiness. The main cause for the development of an inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpit area is considered to be the blockage of the sebaceous glands and the consequent blockage of the sebum flow. In the meantime, some risk factors have been identified which are supposed to increase the risk of the occurrence of an inflammation of the armpit.